.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Please make sure that your site provides jQuery, and that it includes jQuery in the HEAD. The latter is necessary for the FE editor. #. In the install tool, set **MAIL > defaultMailFromAddress** and **MAIL > defaultMailFromName**. #. Make sure that you use UTF-8 in the BE and FE. Otherwise, the OpenImmo import won’t work properly, and the FE output might be broken. #. If you want to use the offerers list view, make sure that the **sf\_register** or **sr\_feuser\_register** extension is installed. #. Install the required extensions **mkforms**, **static\_info\_tables** and **oelib**, which are available in the TER or from Packagist. #. Install the Realty Manager extension. #. In the Extension Manager, make sure that “Configuration check” is checked. This will aid you in quickly configuring the extension. #. You don’t need to set the other values in the Extension Manager yet (they’re used for the OpenImmo import). #. Include the *Realty Manager* static template in your TypoScript template under "Include static (from extensions)." #. In your TS setup, please set config.language and config.locale\_all so the extension will use the correct language in the front end. #. Clear all caches. #. If the front-end labels of the extension are in English instead of your configured language, please deleted the following files/directories: - typo3temp/realty-l10n-*.zip - typo3conf/l10n/*/realty/ #. This extension provides a RealURL auto-configuration. If you are using the auto-generated RealURL configuration, you need to re-generate it.