.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Setup common for front-end plug-in and back-end module in plugin.tx\_seminars ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can configure the plug-in using your TS template setup in the form plugin.tx\_seminars. *property = value.* The values in this table can only be configured using your TypoScript setup, but not via flexforms. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft Eigenschaft: Datentyp Datentyp: Beschreibung Beschreibung: Standardwert Standardwert: .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft enableRegistration Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Set this to 0 if you don't use the registration feature for this site and would like to disable the configuration check for this. Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft skipRegistrationCollisionCheck Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether the registration collision check should be skipped for all events Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft templateFile Datentyp string Beschreibung File name of the HTML template for e-mail Standardwert EXT:seminars/Resources/Private/Templates/Mail/e-mail.html .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft salutation Datentyp string Beschreibung switch whether to use formal/informal language for some shared code (in e-mails, some labels and some error messages).Allowed values are:formal \| informal Standardwert formal .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft hideFieldsInThankYouMail Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of section names that shouldn't be displayed in the thank-you e-mail to the user allowed values are in: hello, title, uid, ticket\_id, price, seats, to tal\_price,attendees\_names,lodgings,accommodation,foods,food,checkbox es, kids, accreditation\_number, credit\_points, date, time, place, room, paymentmethod, billing\_address,interests,url, footer,planned\_disclaimer,unregistration\_notice Standardwert credit\_points,billing\_address,kids,planned\_disclaimer .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft :: cssFileForAttendeeMail Datentyp string Beschreibung the CSS file for the HTML e-mail to the attendees Standardwert EXT:seminars/Resources/Private/CSS/thankYouMail.css .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft generalPriceInMail Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to use the label “Price” for the standard price (instead of “standard price”) in e-mail to the participant Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft hideFieldsInNotificationMail Datentyp string Beschreibung Comma-separated list of section names from the registration that shouldn't be displayed in the notification e-mail to the organizers. These fields are the big blocks in that e-mail, and some are further divided. Allowed values are in: - summary: the attendee's name, the event title and the event date - seminardata: date from the seminar record, configurable via *showSeminarFieldsInNotificationMail* - feuserdata: data from the front-end user record, configurable via *showFeUserFieldsInNotificationMail* - attendancedata: data from the attendance record, configurable via *showAttendanceFieldsInNotificationMail* Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showSeminarFieldsInNotificationMail Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names from seminars that should be mentioned in the notification e-mail to the organizers (in the “seminardata” section)allowed values are in: uid, event\_type, title, subtitle, titleanddate, date, time, accreditation\_number, credit\_points, room, place, speakers, price\_regular, price\_regular\_early, price\_special, price\_special\_early, attendees, needs\_registration,allows\_multiple\_registrations,attendees\_min, attendees\_max, vacancies, enough\_attendees, is\_full, notes Standardwert title,uid,event\_type,date,place,price\_regular,price\_regular\_early, price\_special,price\_special\_early,attendees,vacancies,enough\_atten dees,is\_full .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showFeUserFieldsInNotificationMail Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names from fe\_users that should be mentioned in the notification e-mail to the organizers (in the “feuserdata” section)allowed values are all column names from fe\_users. Standardwert username,name,email,address,zip,city,telephone .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showAttendanceFieldsInNotificationMail Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names from attendances that should be mentioned in the notification e-mail to the organizers (in the “attendancedata” section)allowed values are in: uid, interests, expectations, background\_knowledge, lodgings, accommodation, foods, food, known\_from, notes, checkboxes, price, seats, total\_price, attendees\_names, kids, method\_of\_payment, gender, name, address, zip, city, country, telephone, email Standardwert uid,price,seats,total\_price,method\_of\_payment,gender,name,address,z ip,city,country,telephone,email,interests,expectations,background\_kno wledge,known\_from,notes .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendAdditionalNotificationEmails Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send the additional notification e-mails to the organizers or not. Additional notification mails are sent if for example an event gets full. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendNotification Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send a notification to the organizers if a user has registered. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendNotificationOnUnregistration Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send a notification to the organizers if a user has unregistered. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendNotificationOnRegistrationForQueue Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send a notification to the organizers if someone registered for the queue. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendNotificationOnQueueUpdate Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send a notification to the organizers if the queue has been updated. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendConfirmation Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send a confirmation to the user after the user has registered. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendConfirmationOnUnregistration Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send a confirmation to the user if the user has unregistered. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendConfirmationOnRegistrationForQueue Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send a confirmation to the user if the user has registered for the queue. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendConfirmationOnQueueUpdate Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to send a confirmation to the user if the queue has been updated. Standardwert 1 (= active) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft addRegistrationCsvToOrganizerReminderMail Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether to add the CSV file of the registrations when sending the reminder e-mails to the organizers. Standardwert 0 (=inactive) .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft timeFormat Datentyp string Beschreibung the time format (in *strftime* format) Standardwert %H:%M .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft dateFormatY Datentyp string Beschreibung the *strftime* format code to extract the year from a date string *(usually this shouldn't be changed)* Standardwert %Y .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft dateFormatM Datentyp string Beschreibung the *strftime* format code to extract the month from a date string *(usually this shouldn't be changed)* Standardwert %m. .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft dateFormatD Datentyp string Beschreibung the *strftime* format code to extract the day of month from a date string *(usually this shouldn't be changed)* Standardwert %d. .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft dateFormatYMD Datentyp string Beschreibung the *strftime* format code for the full date *(change this to your local date format)* Standardwert %d.%m.%Y .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft dateFormatMD Datentyp string Beschreibung the *strftime* format code for the month and day of month *(change this to your local date format)* Standardwert %d.%m. .. container:: table-row Property defaultTimeZone Data type string Description time zone used for the iCal attachments in case an event does not have a specific time zone set Default Europe/Berlin .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft abbreviateDateRanges Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether date ranges should be shortened when possible, for example **11.10.2005-13.10.2005** becomes **11.-13.10.2005** Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft currency Datentyp string Beschreibung ISO 4217 alpha 3 code of the currency to be used, must be valid Standardwert EUR .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showTimeOfRegistrationDeadline Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to also show the time of the registration deadline instead of just the date Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showTimeOfEarlyBirdDeadline Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to also show the time of the early bird deadline instead of just the date Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showTimeOfUnregistrationDeadline Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to also show the time of the unregistration deadline instead of just the date Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft unregistrationDeadlineDaysBeforeBeginDate Datentyp integer Beschreibung Number of days before the start of an event until unregistration is possible. (If you want to disable this feature just leave the value empty.) Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft allowRegistrationForStartedEvents Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether registration should be possible even if an event has already started Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft allowRegistrationForEventsWithoutDate Datentyp Boolean Beschreibung Whether registration for events without a date is possible Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft allowUnregistrationWithEmptyWaitingList Datentyp Boolean Beschreibung Whether unregistration is possible even when there are no registrations on the waiting list yet. Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showVacanciesThreshold Datentyp integer Beschreibung If there are at least this many vacancies, “enough” (localized) is displayed instead of the exact number. Set this to a number higher than the highest number of vacancies if you want the exact number to be always displayed. Standardwert 10 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showToBeAnnouncedForEmptyPrice Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether events that have no standard price set should have “to be announced” as price instead of “free” Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft charsetForCsv Datentyp string Beschreibung The charset for the CSV export, e.g., utf-8, iso-8859-1 or iso-8859-15. The default is iso-9959-15 because Excel has problems with importing utf-8. Standardwert Iso-8859-15 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft filenameForEventsCsv Datentyp string Beschreibung the filename proposed for CSV export of event lists Standardwert events.csv .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft filenameForRegistrationsCsv Datentyp string Beschreibung the filename proposed for CSV export of registration lists Standardwert registrations.csv .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft fieldsFromEventsForCsv Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names from tx\_seminars\_seminars that will be used for CSV exportAllowed values are in:uid, tstamp, crdate, title, subtitle, teaser, description, event\_type, accreditation\_number, credit\_points, date, time, deadline\_registration, deadline\_early\_bird, place, room, lodgings, foods, speakers, partners, tutors, leaders, price\_regular, price\_regular\_early, price\_regular\_board, price\_special, price\_special\_early, price\_special\_board, additional\_information, payment\_methods, organizers, attendees\_min, attendees\_max, attendees, vacancies, enough\_attendees, is\_full, cancelled Standardwert uid,title,subtitle,description,event\_type,date,time,place,room,speake rs,price\_regular,attendees,attendees\_max,vacancies,is\_full .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft fieldsFromFeUserForCsv Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names from fe\_users that will be used for CSV export Standardwert name,company,address,zip,city,country,telephone,email .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft fieldsFromAttendanceForCsv Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names from tx\_seminars\_attendances that will be used for CSV export Standardwert uid,price,total\_price,method\_of\_payment,interests,expectations,back ground\_knowledge,known\_from,notes .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showAttendancesOnRegistrationQueueInCSV Datentyp boolean Beschreibung wether to show attendances on the registration queue in the CSV export or not Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft fieldsFromFeUserForEmailCsv Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names from fe\_users that will be used for CLI CSV export Standardwert name,company,address,zip,city,country,telephone,email .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft fieldsFromAttendanceForEmailCsv Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names from tx\_seminars\_attendances that will be used for CLI CSV export Standardwert uid,price,total\_price,method\_of\_payment,interests,expectations,back ground\_knowledge,known\_from,notes .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showAttendancesOnRegistrationQueueInEmailCsv Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to show attendances on the registration queue in the CLI CSV export or not Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft addExcelSpecificSeparatorLineToCsv Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to add the Excel-specific "sep=;" line to the CSV Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendCancelationDeadlineReminder Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to send a cancelation deadline reminder to the organizers Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendEventTakesPlaceReminderDaysBeforeBeginDate Datentyp integer Beschreibung how many days before an events' begin date the organizers should be reminded about this event via e-mail, zero disables the reminder Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Property automaticSpecialPriceForSubsequentRegistrationsBySameUser Data type boolean Description Set this to 1 to hide the special price for the first registration of a user and to automatically offer the special price for the 2nd, 3rd etc. registrations of the same user. Default 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft attendancesPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID des Ordners, in dem Anmeldungen gespeichert werden Standardwert None .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [tsref:plugin.tx\_seminars]