.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Configuring CSS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The extension provides its own basic set of CSS styles (which work best with a white background and if you're already using a CSS-based design and css\_styled\_content). These stylesheets usually get included automatically. However, if you have set *disableAllHeaderCode = 1* and want to use the provided stylesheet *,* you need to include the stylesheet *typo3conf/ext/seminars/pi1/seminars\_pi1.css* manually into your page header. Classes for table rows """""""""""""""""""""" The TR elements of the list view already have a few classes automatically set: - listrow-odd for every other row, starting with the second row - tx-seminars-pi1-canceled for canceled events - tx-seminars-pi1-owner if the logged-in FE user had entered this event record Configuring the colored square for the number of vacancies """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In the list view, the color of the squares in the vacancies column is configured using CSS. The table cell for the vacancies has three CSS classes: - tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies - tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-x with x being replaced by the exact number of vacancies (which may be 0) - tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-available if there is at least one vacancy - tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-cancelled if the event has been cancelled - tx-seminars-pi1-deadline-over if the registration deadline for that event has passed The square itself also has a CSS class: - tx-seminars-pi1-square This allows you to configure the color of the square in detail, depending on the number of vacancies. The default style sheet uses: - *green* for more at least three vacancies - *yellow* for one or two vacancies - *red* for “no vacancies” and for canceled seminars The corresponding part of the default CSS file looks like this. You can do this likewise in your own style sheet: .tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-available .tx-seminars-pi1-square { background-color: #00a500; color: inherit; } .tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-2 .tx-seminars-pi1-square, .tx-seminars- pi1-vacancies-1 .tx-seminars-pi1-square { background-color: #ffff3c; color: inherit; } .tx-seminars-pi1-vacancies-0 .tx-seminars-pi1-square, .tx-seminars- pi1-cancelled .tx-seminars-pi1-square { background-color: #c30000; color: inherit; }