.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Setup for the Seminarmanager front-end plug-in in plugin.tx\_seminars\_pi1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can configure the plug-in using flexforms of the front-end plug-in (for most values) or your TS template setup in the form plugin.tx\_seminars\_pi1. *property = value.* If your want to set a value for all instances of the plug-in in one place, use the TS template setup. If you use flexforms, make sure to set the values at all relevant instances of the plug-in: It doesn't do to specify the fields for the online registration in the seminar list front-end plug-in—you need to set these fields in the online registration front-end plug-in. **Note: If you set any non-empty value in the flexforms, this will override the corresponding value from TS Setup.** .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft Eigenschaft: Datentyp Datentyp: Beschreibung Beschreibung: Standardwert Standardwert: .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft enableRegistration Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Set this to 0 if you don't use the registration feature for this site and would like to disable the configuration check for this. Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft numberOfClicksForRegistration Datentyp integer Beschreibung number of clicks to registration (valid options are 2 or 3) Standardwert 3 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft what\_to\_display Datentyp string Beschreibung The kind of front-end plug-in to display. Allowed values are in: *seminar\_list, single\_view, topic\_list, my\_events, my\_vip\_events, seminar\_registration, list\_registrations, list\_vip\_registrations, edit\_event, my\_entered\_events, countdown, category\_list, event\_headline* This must be set using flexforms. Standardwert seminar\_list .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft templateFile Datentyp string Beschreibung location of the HTML template for the FE plugin Standardwert EXT:seminars/pi1/seminars\_pi1.tmpl .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft eventEditorTemplateFile Datentyp string Beschreibung location of the front end event editor template file Standardwert EXT:seminars/Resources/Private/Templates/FrontEnd/EventEditor.html .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft registrationEditorTemplateFile Datentyp string Beschreibung location of the template file for the registration form Standardwert EXT:seminars/Resources/Private/Templates/FrontEnd/RegistrationEditor.h tml .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft salutation Datentyp string Beschreibung Switch whether to use formal/informal language on the front end.Allowed values are:formal \| informal Standardwert formal .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showSingleEvent Datentyp integer Beschreibung The UID of an event record. If an event is selected, the plugin always shows the single view of this event and not the list. This must be set using flexforms. Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft timeframeInList Datentyp string Beschreibung the time-frame from which events should be displayed in the list view. Select one of these keywords:all, past, pastAndCurrent, current, currentAndUpcoming, upcoming, deadlineNotOver, today Standardwert currentAndUpcoming .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft hideColumns Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of column names that shouldn't be displayed in the list view, e.g. *organizers,price\_special* The order of the elements in this list has no influence on the output.Allowed values are in: category, title,subtitle,uid, event\_type, language, accreditation\_number, credit\_points, teaser, speakers, date, time, expiry, place, city, country, seats, price\_regular, price\_special, total\_price, organizers, target\_groups, attached\_files, vacancies, status\_registration, registration, list\_registrations, status, editPlease note that some columns will only be shown if a front-end user currently is logged in. Standardwert category,subtitle,event\_type,language,accreditation\_number,credit\_p oints,teaser,time,expiry,place,country,price\_special,speakers,target\ _groups,attached\_files,status .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft hideFields Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of field names that shouldn't be displayed in the detail view, e.g. *organizers,price\_special* The order of the elements in this list has no influence on the output.Allowed values are in: event\_type, title, subtitle, language, description, accreditation\_number, credit\_points, category, date, uid, time, place, room, expiry, speakers, partners, tutors, leaders, p rice\_regular,price\_board\_regular,price\_special,price\_board\_speci al,additional\_information, paymentmethods, target\_groups, attached\_files, organizers, vacancies, deadline\_registration, otherdates, eventsnextday, registration, back, image, requirements, dependencies Standardwert credit\_points,eventsnextday .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft hideSearchForm Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to show the search form in the list view Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft displaySearchFormFields Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of search options which should be shown in the search widget. If no field is displayed the search widget will be hidden. Allowed values are in: event\_type, language, country, city, place, full\_text\_search, day, age, organizer, price, categories Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft hidePageBrowser Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to show the page browser in the list view Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft hideCanceledEvents Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to show canceled events in the list view Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft limitListViewToCategories Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of category UIDs to filter the list view for, leave empty to have no such filter Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft limitListViewToPlaces Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of place UIDs to filter the list view for, leave empty to have no such filter Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft limitListViewToOrganizers Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of organizer UIDs to filter the list view for, leave empty to have no such filter Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showOnlyEventsWithVacancies Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to show only events with vacancies on in the list view Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft seminarImageListViewHeight Datentyp integer Beschreibung the maximum height of the image of a seminar in the list view Standardwert 43 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft seminarImageListViewWidth Datentyp integer Beschreibung the maximum width of the image of a seminar in the list view Standardwert 70 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sortListViewByCategory Datentyp boolean Beschreibung ob die Listenansicht immer nach Kategorien sortiert werden soll (bevor die normale Sortierung angewendet wird) Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft categoriesInListView Datentyp string Beschreibung whether to show only the category title, only the category icon or both. Allowed values are: icon, text, both Standardwert both .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft generalPriceInList Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to use the label “Price” as column header for the standard price (instead of “Standard price”) Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft generalPriceInSingle Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to use the label “Price” as heading for the standard price (instead of “Standard price”) in the detailed view and on the registration page Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft omitDateIfSameAsPrevious Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to omit the date in the list view if it is the same as the previous item's (useful if you often have several events at the same date) Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showOwnerDataInSingleView Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to show the owner data in the single view Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft ownerPictureMaxWidth Datentyp integer Beschreibung the maximum width of the owner picture in the single view Standardwert 250 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft accessToFrontEndRegistrationLists Datentyp string Beschreibung who is allowed to view the list of registrations on the front end; allowed values are: attendees\_and\_managers, login, world Standardwert attendees\_and\_managers .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft allowCsvExportOfRegistrationsInMyVipEventsView Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Legt fest ob es erlaubt ist auf den CSV Export der Anmeldungen von der „meine verwalteten Veranstaltungen“-Ansicht aus zuzugreifen Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft mayManagersEditTheirEvents Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Legt fest ob Verwalter ihre Veranstaltungen bearbeiten dürfen Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft eventFieldsOnRegistrationPage Datentyp string Beschreibung list of comma-separated names of event fields that should be displayed on the registration page (the order doesn't matter)Allowed values are in: uid,title,price\_regular,price\_special,vacancies Standardwert title,price\_regular,price\_special,vacancies .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showFeUserFieldsInRegistrationForm Datentyp string Beschreibung fe\_users DB fields to show for in the registration form Standardwert name,company,address,zip,city,country,telephone,email .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showFeUserFieldsInRegistrationFormWithLabel Datentyp string Beschreibung fe\_users DB fields on the registration form that should be displayed with a label Standardwert telephone,email .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showRegistrationFields Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of tx\_seminars\_attendances DB fields to show for the online registrationThe order of the values is *not* relevant.Allowed values are in:step\_counter, price,method\_of\_payment, account\_number, bank\_code, bank\_name, account\_owner, billing\_address, company, gender, name, address, zip, city, country, telephone, email,interests, expectations, background\_knowledge, accommodation, food, known\_from, seats, registered\_themselves, attendees\_names, kids, lodgings, foods, checkboxes, notes, total\_price, feuser\_data, billing\_address, registration\_data, terms, terms\_2 **Note:** *billing\_address* enabled the summary of all billing address fields for the second registration page. To get this to work correctly, you also need to enable the particular fields for a separate billing addres that should be displayed on the first registration page, for example: name, address, zip, city Standardwert step\_counter,price,method\_of\_payment,lodgings,foods,checkboxes,inte rests,expectations,background\_knowledge,known\_from,notes,total\_pric e,feuser\_data,billing\_address,registration\_data,terms\_2 .. container:: table-row Property registerThemselvesByDefaultForHiddenCheckbox Data type boolean Description ob sich der eingeloggte Benutzer per Default im Anmeldeformular auch selbst anmeldet (nur wirksam, wenn die Checkbox im Anmeldeformular ausgeblendet ist) Default 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft numberOfFirstRegistrationPage Datentyp integer Beschreibung the displayed number of the first registration page (for "step x of y") Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft numberOfLastRegistrationPage Datentyp integer Beschreibung the displayed number of the last registration page (for "step x of y") Standardwert 2 .. container:: table-row Property maximumBookableSeats Data type integer Description the maximum number of seats that can be booked in one registration Default 10 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showSpeakerDetails Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to show detailed information of the speakers in the single view; if disabled, only the names will be shown Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showSiteDetails Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to show detailed information of the locations in the single viewif disabled, only the name of the locations will be shown Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft limitFileDownloadToAttendees Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether file downloads are limited to attendees only Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showFeUserFieldsInRegistrationsList Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of FEuser fields to show in the list of registrations for an event Standardwert name .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft showRegistrationFieldsInRegistrationList Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of registration fields to show in the list of registrations for an event Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft logOutOneTimeAccountsAfterRegistration Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Whether one-time FE user accounts will be automatically logged out after they have registered for an event. **Note:** This does not affect regular FE user accounts in any way. Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Property enableSortingLinksInListView Data type boolean Description whether to add sorting links to the headers in the list view Default 1 .. container:: table-row Property linkToSingleView Data type string Description when to link to the single view: always, never, onlyForNonEmptyDescription Default always .. container:: table-row Property whether to send an additional notification e-mail from the FE editor to the reviewers when a new record has been created Data type boolean Description sendAdditionalNotificationEmailInFrontEndEditor Default 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft speakerImageWidth Datentyp integer Beschreibung Breite des Speaker-Bildes in der Veranstaltungs-Einzelansicht Standardwert 150 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft speakerImageHeight Datentyp integer Beschreibung Höhe des Speaker-Bildes in der Veranstaltungs-Einzelansicht Standardwert 150 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft pages Datentyp integer Beschreibung PID des Ordners, das die Veranstaltungsdatensätze enthält Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft recursive Datentyp integer Beschreibung level of recursion that should be used when accessing the startingpoint Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft listPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID der FE-Seite, die die Listenansicht enthält Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft detailPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID der FE-Seite, die die Einzelansicht enthält Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft myEventsPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID der „Meine Veranstaltungen“-Seite Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft registerPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID der FE-Seite mit der Veranstaltungsanmeldung Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft thankYouAfterRegistrationPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID der FE-Seite, die man nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung zu einer Veranstaltung sehen soll Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendParametersToThankYouAfterRegistrationPageUrl Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Wether to send GET parameters to the thank-you-after-registration- page-URL. Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft pageToShowAfterUnregistrationPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID der Seite, die man nach erfolgreicher Abmeldung von einer Seite sehen soll Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sendParametersToPageToShowAfterUnregistrationUrl Datentyp boolean Beschreibung Wether to send GET parameters to the thank-you-after-registration- page-URL. Standardwert 1 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft createAdditionalAttendeesAsFrontEndUsers Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to create FE user records for additional attendees (in addition to storing them in a text field) Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft sysFolderForAdditionalAttendeeUsersPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung UID of the sysfolder in which FE users created as additional attendees in the registration form get stored Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft userGroupUidsForAdditionalAttendeesFrontEndUsers Datentyp string Beschreibung comma-separated list of front-end user group UIDs to which the FE users created in the registration form will be assigned Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft loginPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID der FE-Seite mit dem Login bzw. onetimeaccount Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft registrationsListPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID of the page that contains the registrations list for participants Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft registrationsVipListPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID of the page that contains the registrations list for editors Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft eventEditorFeGroupID Datentyp integer Beschreibung UID of the FE user group that is allowed to enter and edit event records in the FE Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft defaultEventVipsFeGroupID Datentyp integer Beschreibung UID of the FE user group that is allowed to see the registrations of all events Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft eventEditorPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID of the page where the plug-in for editing events is located Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft createEventsPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID of the sysfolder where FE-created events will be stored Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft createAuxiliaryRecordsPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID of the sysfolder where FE-created auxiliary records will be stored Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft eventSuccessfullySavedPID Datentyp page\_id Beschreibung PID of the page that will be shown when an event has been successfully entered on the FE Standardwert None .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft displayFrontEndEditorFields Datentyp String Beschreibung comma-separated list of the fields to show in the FE-editor allowed values are: subtitle,accreditation\_number, credit\_points, categories, event\_type, cancelled, teaser,description, additional\_information, begin\_date, end\_date, begin\_date\_registration, deadline\_early\_bird, deadline\_registration, needs\_registration, allows\_multiple\_registrations, queue\_size, offline\_attendees, attendees\_min, attendees\_max, target\_groups, price\_regular, price\_regular\_early, price\_regular\_board, price\_special, price\_special\_early, price\_special\_board, payment\_methods, place, room, lodgings, foods, speakers, leaders, partners, tutors, checkboxes, uses\_terms\_2, attached\_file\_box, notes Standardwert subtitle,accreditation\_number,credit\_points,categories,event\_type,c ancelled,teaser,description,additional\_information,begin\_date,end\_d ate,begin\_date\_registration,deadline\_early\_bird,deadline\_registra tion,needs\_registration,allows\_multiple\_registrations,queue\_size,a ttendees\_min,attendees\_max,target\_groups,offline\_attendees,price\_ regular,price\_regular\_early,price\_regular\_board,price\_special,pri ce\_special\_early,price\_special\_board,payment\_methods,place,room,l odgings,foods,speakers,leaders,partners,tutors,checkboxes,uses\_terms\ _2,attached\_file\_box,notes .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft requiredFrontEndEditorFields Datentyp String Beschreibung comma-separated list of the event fields which are required to be filled in the FE editor; allowed values are: subtitle, accreditation\_number, credit\_points, categories, event\_type, cancelled, teaser, description, additional\_information, begin\_date, end\_date, begin\_date\_registration, deadline\_early\_bird, deadline\_registration, needs\_registration, allows\_multiple\_registrations, queue\_size, attendees\_min, attendees\_max, offline\_attendees, target\_groups, price\_regular, price\_regular\_early, price\_regular\_board, price\_special, price\_special\_early, price\_special\_board, payment\_methods, place, room, lodgings, foods, speakers, leaders, partners, tutors, checkboxes, uses\_terms\_2, attached\_file\_box, notes Standardwert .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft requiredFrontEndEditorPlaceFields Datentyp String Beschreibung comma-separated list of the place fields which are required to be filled in the FE editor; allowed values are: address, zip, city, country, homepage, directions Standardwert city .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft externalLinkTarget Datentyp string Beschreibung Das Zielfenster für externe Links in seminars. Standardwert Nichts .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft seminarImageSingleViewWidth Datentyp integer Beschreibung the maximum width of the image of a seminar in the single view Standardwert 260 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft seminarImageSingleViewHeight Datentyp integer Beschreibung the maximum height of the image of a seminar in the single view Standardwert 160 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft allowFrontEndEditingOfSpeakers Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to allow front-end editing of speakers Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft allowFrontEndEditingOfPlaces Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to allow front-end editing of places Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft allowFrontEndEditingOfCheckboxes Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to allow front-end editing of checkboxes Standardwert 0 .. container:: table-row Eigenschaft allowFrontEndEditingOfTargetGroups Datentyp boolean Beschreibung whether to allow front-end editing of target groups Standardwert 0 .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [tsref:plugin.tx\_seminars\_pi1]