.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Setting up front-end editing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Only do this if you really trust your users to only enter serious events and no fun or test records. Front-end users can edit an event either if they are the owner of that event, or if they are a manager for that event (or in the general “managers” front-end user group) and front-end editing is enabled for managers. #. Create a system folder where front-end created event records will be stored. If you like, you can also use your existing event records folder for that. Either way, note the PID of this system folder. #. Create a front-end user group for the front-end users that are allowed to enter and edit event records in the front end. Write down the UID of that group. #. Add all front-end users that should beallowed to enter and edit events to that group. #. Create a page “Enter/edit events” and allow access exclusively to users of that front-end user group. #. Add a Seminarmanager plug-in to that page and set its type to “Event Editor”. #. In the tab “Front-end editing”, select the front-end group that is allowed to edit events. Alternatively, you can set this using the TS setup variable plugin.tx\_seminars\_pi1.eventEditorFeGroupID. #. Select the system folder where the created events will be stored. Alternatively, you can set this using the TS setup variable plugin.tx\_seminars\_pi1.createEventsPID. #. Select the the page that will be shown when an event has been saved. This can be the page with the user-entered events (which we will create in the next page) or a separate thank-you page. Alternatively, you can set this using the TS setup variable plugin.tx\_seminars\_pi1.eventSuccessfullySavedPID. #. Create a page “Events which I have entered” (or “My events”) and allow access exclusively to users of that front-end user group. #. Add a Seminarmanager plug-in to that page and set its type to “Events which I have entered”. #. In the first tab, select the system folder where front-end-created events are stored as data source from where to fetch the event records. #. In the second tab, you probably want to select “all events” as time- frame. #. In the tab “Front-end editing”, select the front-end group that is allowed to edit events. Alternatively, you can set this using the TS setup variable plugin.tx\_seminars\_pi1.eventEditorFeGroupID. #. Select the page with the event editor plug-in (that is the page which you have just created). Alternatively, you can set this using the TS setup variable plugin.tx\_seminars\_pi1.evenEditorPID.