.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Set up the plug-in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Include the Seminars static template in your site template under “Include static (from extensions).”. Then configure the plug-in in your TS template setup or the plug-in flexforms. The properties are listed in the reference. Please note than when using flexforms, you need to set the corresponding values at all relevant instances of the plug-in: It doesn't do to specify the fields for the online registration in the seminar list front-end plug-in—you need to set these fields in the online registration front-end plug-in. You can use this TypoScript setup template for setting all required values for a basic setup: :: plugin.tx_seminars { # PID of the sysfolder where event registrations (attendances) will be stored attendancesPID = } # localizations for strings in emails and some FE parts go here (the example is for German) plugin.tx_seminars._LOCAL_LANG.de { } plugin.tx_seminars_pi1 { # PID of the sysfolder that contains all the event records (e.g., the starting point) pages = # PID of the FE page that contains the event list listPID = # PID of the FE page that contains the single view detailPID = # PID of the FE page that contains the "my events" list myEventsPID = # PID of the FE page that contains the seminar registration plug-in registerPID = # PID of the FE page that contains the login form or onetimeaccount loginPID = } # localizations for FE-only parts go here (the example is for German) plugin.tx_seminars_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.de { } # here you can change stuff like the number of items per page etc. plugin.tx_seminars_pi1.listView { } Note that the notification email to the organizer and the list view show the headings even for empty fields, while the single view and the notification email to the participant remove the headings for some seminar properties (not all, just where it makes sense).