.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _categories: ========================= Creating Category Records ========================= .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl 1. In the TYPO3 Backend, select the :guilabel:`List` module. 2. In the page tree, select the folder where you would like to store your categories. .. note:: Categories are fetched from the location specified in the :ref:`extensionconfig-categoriesrestriction`. 3. In the DocHeader, click on the :guilabel:`+` (*Create new record*) button. .. image:: ../Images/PageTreeAndCreateRecordButton.png The *New record* screen will appear, showing a tree with new record types. 4. In the record tree, click on *Category* (under *System Records*). .. image:: ../Images/SelectCreateCategoryRecord.png :width: 500px You will now see the *Create new Category* form. 5. Fill in the necessary fields in the *Create new Category* form. 6. Click the :guilabel:`Save` button to save your Category. Repeat these steps until you have added the Category records you need.