.. include:: ../Includes.rst.txt .. _install-and-setup: ================= Install and Setup ================= .. _deeplinking-typoscript-template: Include the TypoScript Template for Deeplinking Support ------------------------------------------------------- .. image:: _assets/includeDeeplinkingTypoScriptTemplate.png :class: with-shadow In order to enable the *Edit in CMS* deeplinking button, you must include the static template "Siteimprove Deeplinking Tags" in your site's root template. This will include a couple of new meta tags in your page header allowing Siteimprove to generate the button link. (Remember to clear the cache afterwards.) When you run TYPO3 in *Development* context, you will have access to a second static template called "Siteimprove Deeplinking Development Tag".Including this static template will insert a meta tag named "editingPage" on your pages for testing and debugging purposes. It contains the full deeplinking URL similar to the one that will be used when you click the *Edit in CMS* deeplinking button within the *Siteimprove Intelligence Platform*. Examples of links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A deep link to a page is of the following form: .. code-block:: none https://example.com/typo3/index.php?tx_siteimprove_goto=page:{page_uid}:{language_uid} Whereas the language_uid is optional and defaults to 0. Example links could look like this: .. code-block:: none https://example.com/typo3/index.php?tx_siteimprove_goto=page:42 https://example.com/typo3/index.php?tx_siteimprove_goto=page:42:1