.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _for-editors: =========== For Editors =========== Target group: **Editors** How to get feed visible on page. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add plugin to page """""""""""""""""" Create a new content element and choose **Social feed** .. figure:: ../Images/UserManual/NewElementWizard.png :class: with-shadow :alt: Backend view New content element Configure plugin """""""""""""""" There are plugin options you need to setup first: - Load type: *Standard* - just render as regular plugin. *Ajax* - load feed with ajax. - Presentation: Two options with what JS library to use to render feed. - Appearance of feed items: *Card* or *Dynamic* partial. - Amount of feeds on page: *limit how many items to show at once* - Load likes count: *show/hide likes count* - Choose configuration for plugin: *what feed source to show* .. tip:: Standard loading vs Ajax ``Standard`` loading will force page to be no-cache for browser, this is not good in case you want to have plugin on main page. Use ``Ajax`` instead, which will use cache able plugin action and load feed with no-cache request. .. important:: You should choose at least one feed source .. figure:: ../Images/UserManual/PluginOptions.png :class: with-shadow :alt: Backend view New content element