.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _installation: ============ Installation ============ Target group: **Administrators / Integrators** * composer req proudnerds/laposta * include the typoscript template * add to editor backend user groups * add the Laposta apiKey in constants settings * create 'Laposta newsletter list' records * insert the plugins for subscribe and unsubscribe on pages * choose the 'Laposta newsletter list' records * set the records storage page to the page where you keep the 'Laposta newsletter list' records * on Laposta.nl you can add custom fields for each of your newsletters. In the template are now email (required), voornaam and achternaam * you can easily change and add custom fields in the template, just put 'customField.' before it and it works * a log is kept in /var/log/Laposta.log .. figure:: ../Images/Laposta.png :class: with-shadow :width: 586px :alt: Route Enhancer