.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _installation: ============ Installation ============ .. rst-class:: bignums-tip #. Install this extension from TER or with Composer: .. code-block:: bash composer require quellenform/t3x-iconpack #. Install one of the existing iconpack providers: .. rst-class:: compact-list - `Bootstrap Icons `_ - `Boxicons `_ - `Dripicons `_ - `Elegant Icons `_ - `Feather Icons `_ - `Font Awesome `_ - `Helium Icons `_ - `Ikons vector icons `_ - `Ionicons `_ - `Linea Icons `_ - `Linearicons `_ - `Lineicons `_ - `Octicons `_ - `Themify Icons `_ .. rst-class:: horizbuttons-tip-m - :ref:`...or create your own iconpack provider ` #. Add the provided TypoScript to your template #. [Optional] Install the `Iconpack for Bootstrap Package `_ extension ...if you want to use Iconpack with `Bootstrap Package `_ and want to replace the hard-coded icons with a better and flexible system.