.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Configuration; Config Cookieman .. _configCookieman: ================ Config cookieman ================ Out-of-the-box `ext:clubmanager` has integrated a content blocker for Youtube in the Fluid-template for the detail view of the locations and thus offers a 2-click solution for the display of Youtube movies within the Clubmanager list and detail views. .. code-block:: none EXT:clubmanager/Resources/Private/Partials/Youtube.html .. important:: If you want to make use of functionality for data protection of youtube and/or google maps integration with a cookie consent manager `ext:clubmanager` has preconfigured Typoscript for `ext:cookieman `__. .. only:: html .. contents:: Important steps :depth: 1 :local: .. _configCookiemanSetup: Cookieman: Include static TypoScript template ============================================= #. `Install ext:cookieman `__ #. Go to module :guilabel:`Web > Template` and chose your root page. It should already contain a TypoScript template record. #. Switch to view :guilabel:`Info/Modify` and click on :guilabel:`Edit the whole template record`. #. Switch to tab :guilabel:`Includes` and add the following templates from the list to the right: :guilabel:`Clubmanager Cookieman (clubmanager)`. .. figure:: /Images/Configuration/be-include-typoscript.png :class: with-shadow :alt: Include static cookieman typoscript Include at least :guilabel:`Clubmanager Cookieman (clubmanager)` typoscript .. info:: You do not need to integrate any cookieman static typoscript templates. All of this is done with :guilabel:`Clubmanager Cookieman (clubmanager)` Typoscript. .. _configCookiemanTyposcript: Cookieman TypoScript ==================== .. _configCookiemanTyposcriptSetup: Setup ----- Have a look at the `ext:clubmanager > cookieman` TypoScript Setup and change wording etc. in your own sitepackage to your needs. .. code-block:: none :caption: Path to cookieman setup EXT:clubmanager/Configuration/TypoScript/Cookieman/setup.typoscript .. important:: Do not change, the following TypoScript on your own, because it activates the Content-Blocker-Mode in :file:`EXT:clubmanager/Resources/Private/Partials/Youtube.html` .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: TypoScript setup plugin.tx_clubmanager.settings.contentBlockerMode = cookieman The `plugin.tx_cookieman.settings` are set for all `EXT:clubmanager` requirements. Better you do not change this but add the settings according to your specific needs in your own Sitepackage. .. _configCookiemanTyposcriptConstants: Constants --------- Have a look at the `ext:clubmanager > cookieman` TypoScript constants and change wording etc. in your own sitepackage to your needs. .. code-block:: none :caption: Path to cookieman constants EXT:clubmanager/Configuration/TypoScript/Cookieman/constants.typoscript .. tip:: You can use the following constants code-block in your sitepackage. Simply change the page pid's for your privacy policy and your legal disclosure and you are ready to go. .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: TypoScript constants plugin.tx_cookieman { settings { links { dataProtectionDeclarationPid = ###YOUR-DATA-PROTECTION-PID### imprintPid = ###YOUR-IMPRINT-PID### } } }