.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Configuration; TSconfig reference .. _tsconfig: ================== TSconfig reference ================== You can change the backend forms for the records :ref:`member ` & :ref:`location ` with the following Page & User TSconfig .. only:: html .. contents:: Important TSconfig :depth: 2 :local: .. _domainModelMember: Clubmanager member record ========================= Change the User TSconfig to disable not needed fields in member records for your backend editors. Use Page TSconfig to remove not needed elements in dropdown-fields or to add some and to rename field labels. In addition, the member record has five predefined fields that you can use for your individual data. - customfield1 - customfield2 - customfield3 - customfield4 - customfield5 .. _domainModelMemberUserTsconfig: User TSconfig ------------- .. code-block:: bash page.TCEFORM.tx_clubmanager_domain_model_member { starttime.disabled = 0 endtime.disabled = 0 cancellationWish.disabled = 0 reducedRate.disabled = 0 state.disabled = 0 feuser.disabled = 0 directDebit.disabled = 0 iban.disabled = 0 bic.disabled = 0 account.disabled = 0 mainLocation.disabled = 0 subLocations.disabled = 0 altBillingName.disabled = 0 altBillingStreet.disabled = 0 altBillingZip.disabled = 0 altBillingCity.disabled = 0 altBillingCountry.disabled = 0 ident.disabled = 0 title.disabled = 0 firstname.disabled = 0 midname.disabled = 0 lastname.disabled = 0 zip.disabled = 0 street.disabled = 0 city.disabled = 0 country.disabled = 0 email.disabled = 0 phone.disabled = 0 company.disabled = 0 personType.disabled = 0 salutation.disabled = 0 level.disabled = 0 addAddressInfo.disabled = 0 dateofbirth.disabled = 0 categories.disabled = 0 } .. _domainModelMemberPageTsconfig: Page TSconfig ------------- .. code-block:: bash TCEFORM { tx_clubmanager_domain_model_member { // Set this to 0 if your member categories have no subcategories. // 0,1 is useful when using the placeholder data. categories.config.treeConfig.appearance.nonSelectableLevels = 0,1 salutation { removeItems = altLabels { default = LLL:EXT:your_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_clubmanager_domain_model_member.salutation.default } addItems { divers = LLL:EXT:your_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_clubmanager_domain_model_member.salutation.divers } } customfield1 { label = LLL:EXT:your_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_clubmanager_domain_model_member.customfield1.default } } } .. _domainModelLocation: Clubmanager location record =========================== Change the User TSconfig to disable not needed fields in location records for your backend editors. Use Page TSconfig to remove not needed elements in dropdown-fields or to add some and to rename field labels. .. _domainModelLocationUserTsconfig: User TSconfig ------------- .. code-block:: bash page.TCEFORM.tx_clubmanager_domain_model_location { salutation.disabled = 0 title.disabled = 0 firstname.disabled = 0 midname.disabled = 0 lastname.disabled = 0 company.disabled = 0 street.disabled = 0 addAddressInfo.disabled = 0 zip.disabled = 0 city.disabled = 0 state.disabled = 0 country.disabled = 0 latitude.disabled = 0 longitude.disabled = 0 image.disabled = 0 info.disabled = 0 categories.disabled = 0 phone.disabled = 0 mobile.disabled = 0 fax.disabled = 0 email.disabled = 0 website.disabled = 0 socialmedia.disabled = 0 youtubeVideoUrl.disabled = 0 } .. _domainModelLocationPageTsconfig: Page TSconfig ------------- .. code-block:: bash TCEFORM { tx_clubmanager_domain_model_location { salutation { removeItems = altLabels { default = LLL:EXT:your_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_clubmanager_domain_model_location.salutation.default } addItems { divers = LLL:EXT:your_sitepackage/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_clubmanager_domain_model_location.salutation.divers } } } }