.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: ! Plugins .. _plugins: ======= Plugins ======= The clubmanager plugin is used to output a defined list of member or, more useful, location records. It can be created by adding a content element from tab :guilabel:`Clubmanager` and by selecting the desired plugin type. .. figure:: /Images/UsersManual/insert-ce-clubmanager-plugin.png :class: with-shadow :alt: Adding a content element for clubmanager listings Adding a content element for clubmanager listings .. only:: html The available actions are: .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 .. _plugin-memberList: List of members =============== Displays an unfiltered list of all member records. .. _plugin-memberSingleView: Members single view ------------------------ This is the detail view to the :ref:`member-list `. .. note:: The global configuration: :ref:`Extension Configuration: Default member detail page ` can be overridden in the :ref:`Member list plugin `. .. _plugin-locationList: Location list ============= Displays an unfiltered list of all location records. .. _plugin-locationSingleView: Location single output --------------------------- This is the detail view to the :ref:`Location list `. .. note:: The global configuration: :ref:`Extension Configuration: Default location detail page ` can be overridden in the :ref:`location list plugin `. .. _plugin-cityList: City overview ============= Displays a list of all cities with location records. .. _plugin-locationsPerCity: Locations per city ------------------- This is the list view to the :ref:`City overview `. .. note:: The global configuration: :ref:`Extension Configuration: Default city detail page ` can be overridden in the :ref:`city output plugin `.