.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Template variables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - You can use some variables in the Fluid template. You find an explanation here. First you find the variables available in the normal templates, then those you can use additional in the extended templates. ========================= ============================================================================================ Variable Description (examples in List.html and Show.html) ========================= ============================================================================================ fal Use images from FAL (1) or from the folder uploads/camaliga (0)? lang UID of the language. uid UID of the plugin (content element ID). pid PID des Plugin (Seiten-ID). storagePIDsArray Array with this storage PIDs. storagePIDsComma Comma separated list of the storage PIDs. contents Array with the camaliga-elements. The array containes this variables: title, shortdesc, longdesc, link, image, image2, caption2, image3, caption3, image4, caption4, image5, caption5, street, zip, city, country, latitude, longitude, person, phone, mobile, email, custom1, custom2, custom3, categories. Further very important for JavaScript: titleNl2br, shortdescNl2br, longdescNl2br and streetNl2br. The links are stored in the TypoLink format. Therefore there are some more variables available. linkResolved now contains the path to a file, rather than file: 123 (as link). Of course, this should be normal for other link types, but it is not at the moment. But there is the variable links, which is an array. It helps you if you want to save more than one link or if you want to know the type of the link. The avaiable array-keys: link and type. type is 0: no link; 1: internal link; 2: external link; 3: file; 4: email-address. You will find an example after this tables. You can use it, if you don´t want to use f:link.typolink. For f:link.typolink you must specify everything when you set the link. And if you extend the Camaliga table: extended. This is an array with the extended fields. settings See TypoScript settings. onlySearchForm Indicates if only the search form should be shown. paddingItemWidth Item width + 2\*padding. totalItemWidth Item width + 2\*padding + 2\*margin. itemWidth Depends on "addPadding": item with OR paddingItemWidth. totalWidth n \* totalItemWidth. paddingItemHeight Item hight + 2\*padding. totalItemHeight Item hight + 2\*padding + 2\*margin. itemHeight Depends on "addPadding": item hight OR paddingItemHight. ========================= ============================================================================================ - Use an extended template only if you need this additional variables: ============================= =========================================================== Variable Description (examples in ListExtended.html) ============================= =========================================================== sortBy\_selected Argument sortBy. sortOrder\_selected Argument sortOrder. start Argument start. defaultCatIDs Settings.defaulCatIDs. storagePIDsData Array with the storage PIDs and the information about which are selected. all_categories Array of all categories. categories Array of categories and their parent category. contents.categoriesAndParents Array of all used categories and their parent category. sword Fulltext search word. place Place search word. radius Selected radius. radiusArray Avaiable radius values. rsearch Indicates if the proximity search is active. ============================= =========================================================== - When you set settings.more.setModulo = 1, there are set this variables too (depends on settings.item.items): =============================== ========================================================================================== Variable Description (example in Ekko.html) =============================== ========================================================================================== contents.moduloBegin >0 after every settings.item.items element. 0 otherwise. Begins at the 1. element. contents.moduloEnd >0 after every settings.item.items element. 0 otherwise. Begins at the \[items\] element. =============================== ========================================================================================== Here an example, if you don´t want to use f:link.typolink: :: {f:translate(key: 'more')} {f:translate(key: 'more')} {f:translate(key: 'more')}