.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _admin-upgrade: Upgrading the extension ======================= .. _admin-upgrade-to-v2: Upgrading from EXT:content_slug 1.x to 2.x ------------------------------------------ Version 2.0.0 allows to configure the URL fragment with TypoScript. Depending on how you customized Fluid templates, this *can* be a breaking change. We can differentiate between the two *Header* partials and the *Section Index* templates: Potentially breaking: Header partials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Formerly, the *Header/All.html* partial transferred two additional variables to the *Header/Header.html* partial: .. code-block:: html uid: data.uid, fragmentIdentifier: data.tx_content_slug_fragment, This was then used in the *Header/Header.html* partial to build the complete URL fragment: .. code-block:: html

{header} #

**This has changed.** ``fragmentIdentifier`` is still used as the variable name in the *Header/Header.html* partial. But instead of the raw contents of the ``tx_content_slug_fragment`` field, it now contains the complete URL fragment :ref:`configured with TypoScript `: .. code-block:: html fragmentIdentifier: fragmentIdentifier, This should *only* be a breaking change if you use **one** of the Header partials directly from this extension **and** customized the other one in your sitepackage. Should be non-breaking: "Section Index" templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both *"Section Index"* templates were simplified, using the new TypoScript variable ``fragmentIdentifier``. **Old version:** .. code-block:: html