.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _changelog: ===================================== Changelog ===================================== 2.0.3 ===== - Extend dependency for symfony/cache to prevent t3api from downgrading symfony/cache in TYPO3 11 environments [`commit `__] 2.0.2 ===== - PHP 8.1 fix warning about undefined array key "cacheCmd" [`commit `__] - Add PHP 8.1 to CI matrix. [`commit `__] - Update local installer [`commit `__] 2.0.1 ===== - Changes signal slot parameters structure to indexed array instead of associative for slots afterProcessOperation and afterDeserializeOperation [`commit `__] - Excludes property from serialization to avoid an error on serialize process [`commit `__] 2.0.0 ===== - Move from travis to github actions [`commit `__] - Make php-cs-fixer config form TYPO3/coding-standards. Update .editorconfig from TYPO3/coding-standards [`commit `__] - Refactor ddev for test instances. [`commit `__] - Adds support for TYPO3 v11 [`issue `__] - Makes it possible to include custom paths as API resources [`issue `__] - Adds support for API resources inside subdirectories of ``Classes/Domain/Model/`` [`issue `__] - [!!!] Drops support for TYPO3 < 10.4 - [!!!] Changes annotation ``ReadOnly`` to ``ReadOnlyProperty`` [`commit 1 `__; `commit 2 `__] - [!!!] Changes signal slot ``\SourceBroker\T3api\Serializer\ContextBuilder\ContextBuilderInterface::SIGNAL_CUSTOMIZE_SERIALIZER_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES`` parameters structure to indexed array instead of associative [`commit `__] 1.2.3 ===== - Handle edge cases for forcing absolute url. [`issue `__; `aeb7081 `__] - Handle case when file is not available on system file. [`issue `__; `2765ccf `__; `11be8dd `__; `53af4ab `__] - Handle edge cases for combining url and host in UrlService::forceAbsoluteUrl [`099df00 `__] 1.2.2 ===== - Fixes composer dependencies conflict regarding doctrine/cache [`pull request `__; `discussion `__] - Unifies expression language context for all usages [`84cb085 `__; `85c2455 `__] - Differentiates cache for API resource according to site's and API base path [`f54843c `__] - Adds possibility to set different serializer context attributes for serialization and deserialization [`bbf104d `__] 1.2.0 ===== - Implements support for CORS configuration [`pull request `__] [:ref:`doc `] - Implements request processors and moves language handling into processor [`2f9a75e `__] - Base development version on DDEV - Implements easy and safe way to assign current frontend user to records [`56a38d7 `__] [:ref:`doc `] - Adds support for RTE on serialization [`3c09f5 `__] - Adds support for password hashing on serialization [`78dcbef `__] - Fixes current site resolver - Extends backend module by site selector [`3389936 `__]