.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _extensionSettings: ================== Extension Settings ================== imgProxyUrl ------------- Default: `https://imgproxy.example.com:8080` Example: `https://imgproxy-trallala-blabla.a.run.app/` `typo3_image_proxy` does not come with a pre-configured `imgproxy` service. It's up to you to create/host/pay such a service. Enter the URI of the `imgproxy` service here. .. _imgProxyKey: imgProxyKey ----------- Default: Empty Example: `0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef` For security reasons `typo3_image_proxy` does NOT support resizing images with plain URLs. Please follow section `Signing the URL` in `imgproxy` documentation. Link: https://docs.imgproxy.net/#/signing_the_url .. _imgProxySalt: imgProxySalt ------------ Default: Empty Example: `abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789` For security reasons `typo3_image_proxy` does NOT support resizing images with plain URLs. Please follow section `Signing the URL` in imgproxy documentation. Link: https://docs.imgproxy.net/#/signing_the_url .. _altLocalHostName: altLocalHostName ---------------- Example: If you try to host `imgproxy` on same server of your website the website URL may result in in `imgproxy` service or docker container. So `imgproxy` can not access the images from your website. Please configure a port-forwarding or IP or another hostname to give `imgproxy` a hint how to access your website. If you host your website in a ddev container you can create a `docker-compose.override.yaml` file with following content: .. code-block:: version: '3.6' services: web: ports: - "$DDEV_HOST_WEBSERVER_PORT:80" - "$DDEV_HOST_HTTPS_PORT:443" - "[IP_OF_YOUR_SERVER]:$DDEV_HOST_WEBSERVER_PORT:80" It's also possible to replace [IP_OF_YOUR_SERVER] with ``. .. _maxImageWidth: maxImageWidth ------------- Default: `1024` Example: `1200` Configure the max. width of an image. If an image is bigger, it will be resized to this max. width. .. _maxImageHeight: maxImageHeight -------------- Default: `1024` Example: `1200` Configure the max. height of an image. If an image is bigger, it will be resized to this max. height.