.. include:: /Includes.txt .. _glossary: ======== Glossary ======== .. _glossaryFalsePositives: false positives =============== These are URL which were falsely detected as broken. They are valid URLs which Broken Link Fixer detects as broken. .. _glossaryOnTheFlyChecking: on-the-fly checking =================== "On-the-fly" checking means almost immediate link checking as soon as the record is saved. This is in contrast to periodic link checking via the console command. .. _glossaryStaleLinks: stale links =========== These are links, where the broken link status is "stale", meaning it may be outdated. For example the broken link is still shown in the list while the record has already been updated and the broken link fixed. .. _glossaryLinkSource: link source =========== You can think of a link as a connection between 2 points, the link source and the link target. The **link source**, is where the link is defined, e.g. in the text of a content element. .. code-block:: text Link Source -----> Link target Understanding link source and link target can be helpful to understand how Broken Link Fixer works. Some things affect the link target (the URL), such as link target excluding. link target =========== The **link target** is where the link points to. This is usually an URL, such as `http://example.org/example`. It can also be a page or a file.