.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Configuration .. _login_options: ===================== Login Options ===================== You can adust backend login interface appearance by configuring the global extension. - In TYPO3 V11 or V12 : Admin Tools > Settings module > Configure extension > rt_pages_tree_icons. .. figure:: /Images/SettingsConfiguratioLoginOptions.jpg :class: with-shadow :alt: TYPO3 Login Screen Options :width: 700px TYPO3 Login Screen Options | | With this configuration, you can: - Enable changing opacity of the TYPO3 backend login form background: - backLoginFormTransparent [boolean] - Change the opacity value of the TYPO3 backend login form background: - backLoginFormOpacity [options] - Display the border of the TYPO3 backend login form: - backLoginFormBorder [boolean] - Change the border radius value of the TYPO3 backend login form: - backLoginBorderRadius [string] - Change the background color value of the TYPO3 backend login form: - backLoginBackColor [color] - Enable use of random images from external URL - backLoginRandomImage [boolean] - Change the Random image URL with your own - randomIMageUrl [https://source.unsplash.com/random] | | .. confval:: PHP - Login Options Adjust backend login interface appearance:: [ 'rt_pages_tree_icons' => [ 'backLoginBackColor' => '#f0b81f', 'backLoginBorderRadius' => '6', 'backLoginFormBorder' => '1', 'backLoginFormOpacity' => '0.5', 'backLoginFormTransparent' => '1', 'backLoginRandomImage' => '1', 'randomImageUrl' => 'https://source.unsplash.com/random', ], ], ];