.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _administrator-upgrade-wizards: Upgrade wizards --------------- DCE ships a bunch of upgrade wizards with, to upgrade from older releases of DCE: .. contents:: :local: FixMalformedDceFieldVariableNamesUpdate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This update checks all DCE field variables for being valid. If not it can correct them automatically. MigrateDceFieldDatabaseRelationUpdate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In a very old version of DCE (0.x) the relations between DCE fields and DCEs were m:n. This wizard helps to migrate old MM relations. .. warning:: Do not delete the old MM tables, before you have performed this upgrade wizard. Database compare offers you to delete the tables, what you can do, afterwards. MigrateFlexformSheetIdentifierUpdate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the past DCE named tabs in FlexForm configuration like this: :: But this has the effect that all your data is broken, when you change the order of tabs in a DCE. Now the sheets have a named identifier. You can set the identifier in the variable field which is also visible for tab fields, now. The FlexForm configuration looks like this now: :: The very first sheet has the identifier/variable "tabGeneral" by default. This wizard takes are about this. MigrateOldNamespacesInFluidTemplateUpdate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This converts all Fluid templates which still uses namespace declarations like :: {namespace dce=ArminVieweg\Dce\ViewHelpers} These are not required anymore, because ``dce:`` is globally registered in Fluid, when DCE is installed. .. _administrator-upgrade-wizards-file2fal: FileToFalUpdate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Migrates old "type: group, internal_type: file" DCEs and content elements based on it. Moving files from uploads/ to fileadmin/ and index by FAL. Also migrating section fields, with old image configurations. Required for TYPO3 10 and higher. **All operations get logged in a separate log file:** ``var/log/dce_update_wizards.log`` What it does ^^^^^^^^^^^^ First, the update wizard detects DCEs with fields which got the old ``type: group, internal_type: file`` configuration given. It also checks the existence of media files within content elements based on those DCEs. When executing the update wizard, the following changes get applied: 1. Create new directories in fileadmin (based on configured ``uploadfolder``). When your files were located in ``/public/uploads/pics`` the directory ``/public/fileadmin/uploads/pics`` will get created 2. Moving the media files 3. Indexing moved media files in FAL 4. Updating the old DCE field configuration with "FAL: File Abstraction Layer" configuration, respecting - minitems - maxitems - allowed (file extensions) 5. Create new sys_file_reference entries (one for each media file) 6. Update tt_content's pi_flexform contents (replace comma separated list of file names with amount of existing sys_file_references) The steps 4 and 5 work differently for section fields. Instead of using FAL/inline it creates a group field pointing to sys_file. And instead of creating sys_file_reference entries, it writes the uids of sys_file in the pi_flexform. In order to apply the changes to TYPO3's system caches, **you need to flush all system caches manually**. Next steps ^^^^^^^^^^ Unfortunately this migration script is not able to also update your Fluid templates automatically. To help you with that, the log file (``var/log/dce_update_wizards.log``) contains a list of affected DCEs, once the update wizard has been executed successfully. There are two common cases: **Single image output** When you limited the field to one single image, your Fluid template probably looks like that, when it's about outputting the image: .. code-block:: html Because FAL **always** returns a collection of images, you need to change this output to: .. code-block:: html Because we use FAL now, we replace the **src** by the **image** attribute. Now, within ``{field.img.0}`` we got a FileReference object. In order to only return the first (and only) image in this collection, we append ``.0`` to the variable. Also we get rid of the image base path, which get handled by FAL now. **Multi image output** When you already dealt with multiple images, your template most likely looks like that: .. code-block:: html With the old configuration multiple images has been stored as comma separated string (e.g. ``image1.jpg,image2.jpg``). Now, ``field.images`` contains the collection of FileReference objects, which we can iterate through this way: .. code-block:: html We just need to remove the usage of ``-> dce:explode()`` view helper and apply the same changes to the image view helper, as we did for a single image. This adjustment also works with images inside of sections (there, ``sys_file`` is being used instead of ``sys_file_reference``).