.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _usage: Usage ===== fluid_page_cache comes with zero configuration and works out of the box, when it is installed. Info Module ----------- fluid_page_cache ships an Info Module which allows you to see the records used in view, for each page variation in page cache. .. image:: ../Welcome/Images/info_module.png :scale: 50% :alt: Page cache tags in TYPO3 .. caution:: The info module only works, when the page cache is stored in database. When you use e.g. Redis, the info module will not work. The main functionality of fluid_page_cache is not affected. It supports all cache backends, the Caching Framework is compatible with. Handling new records -------------------- fluid_page_cache works with zero configuration, but also adds a new option to pages cache options: .. image:: Images/page_cache_settings.png :scale: 50% :alt: Extended page cache settings When this option is enable, Fluid Page Cache will create **an additional cache tag** for the records' PID (e.g. sys_folder). This is especially useful, when the page cache of all page variants of this page should get cleared, for example when you **create a new record in a sys_folder**. Therefore this option makes sense to enable for pages, which primarily contains **lists of records** (with/without paginations). If you not activate this option on such pages, a new record in a related sys_folder will have **no effect to page cache** at all. So, you **should not** enable this option for dedicated detail pages. Otherwise their cache would also get cleared, when new records have been created. Register cache tags manually ---------------------------- fluid_page_cache is just able to create cache tags for used entities in view, when they get passed **into** the template using variables. View helpers like ``f:cObject`` provide own data, which the variable container in Fluid does not know about. View helper ~~~~~~~~~~~ To be still able to provide cache tags here, fluid_page_cache ships a view helper, you can use in your templates. **Example Fluid template:** .. code-block:: html {namespace fpc=T3\FluidPageCache\ViewHelpers} {element.uid} PageCacheManager class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The central class ``\T3\FluidPageCache\PageCacheManager`` is entry point for all parts of this extension. You can call the static method **registerCacheTag** from everywhere you want. .. code-block:: php PageCacheManager::registerCacheTag($table, $uid, $pid); Keep in mind, that fluid_page_cache only apply: - when ``TYPO3_MODE`` constant is ``FE`` - ``$GLOBALS['TSFE']`` is set The pid is used to create an additional cache tag for the related e.g. sys_folder. It only applies when the setting ``tx_fluidpagecache_pid_cache_tag`` in page settings, is enabled. If you want to register an Extbase entity manually, you can use the static **registerEntity** method: .. code-block:: php $entity = $this->myRepository->findByUid(1); PageCacheManager::registerEntity($entity); ``$entity`` must be: - an instance of ``\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractDomainObject`` - persisted (and have an uid available) All cache tags made with fluid_page_cache got this syntax: ``fpc_{table_name}_{uid}`` ``{table_name}`` may also store the keyword ``pid``, which is related to ``tx_fluidpagecache_pid_cache_tag`` option in page settings. DataHandler Hook ---------------- Creating cache tags does only make sense when you use them to clear specific cache entries. fluid_page_cache provides an after-save-hook, which is triggered each time you modify a record using the DataHandler (e.g. editors in backend). When a new record is created, e.g. in a sys_folder, the cache tag ``fpc_pid_{uid of current page}`` is cleared. This cache tag only applies to pages, which have the setting **FPC: Enable PID cache tag** enabled. It applies automatically, when fluid_page_cache is installed.