.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. _templatingImages: Images ====== ke_search renders images (icons and thumbnails) in the list view for the folllowing cases. * Icons for the type of result (page, news, file, ...) * Preview images for pages * Preview images for news (using the first image of the news record) * Preview images for files (thumbnails will be created automatically for PDF and image files) You can enable / disable them in the plugin configuration. .. image:: ../Images/Templating/plugin-image-settings.png Type-Icons ---------- You can change the icons which are used in the list view. Example configuration (Template Setup): .. code-block:: none plugin.tx_kesearch_pi2.resultListTypeIcon.page.file = EXT:mysite/Resources/Public/Images/example-icon.png page stands for the record type and corresponds to the indexer type. For file formats like xls, doc etc. you can use file_xls, file_doc etc. Page preview images ------------------- If enabled in the plugin configuration, the image set in the page properties "Search" --> "Search result image" will be shown in the result list. If no image is set there, it falls back to "Resources" --> "Media". Changing the size of images --------------------------- To change the size of the images, you will have to adjust the corresponding fluid partial. Please have a look at the partial "ResultRow.html" in the section "typeIconOrPreviewImage".