.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. _configuration-storage-engine: Storage Engine ============== Why not use InnoDB for the index table ? ---------------------------------------- The storage engine for the index table (tx_kesearch_index) is MyISAM while all other tables use the default InnoDB storage engine. Unfortunately this prevents using ke_search in Galera Clusters. The reasons are explained below. If the behaviour explained below does not affect how you use ke_search, you may switch to InnoDB for tx_kesearch_index. Search for @-character ist not supported ........................................ You cannot search for the "at"-Character in InnoDB tables: "InnoDB full-text search does not support the use of the @ symbol in boolean full-text searches. The @ symbol is reserved for use by the @distance proximity search operator." * https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/fulltext-boolean.html * https://github.com/teaminmedias-pluswerk/ke_search/issues/226 Phrase search is not supported .............................. Phrase search using double quotes ("my search word") is not supported in InnoDB. * https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=78485 * https://github.com/teaminmedias-pluswerk/ke_search/issues/214