.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: typoscript ================================================ Page TSconfig Reference (tx\_crawler.crawlerCfg) ================================================ .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property .. _crawler-tsconfig-paramSets-key: paramSets.[key] Data type string Description Get Parameter configuration. The values of GET variables are according to a special syntax. From the code documentation (class.tx\_crawler\_lib.php): - Basically: If the value is wrapped in [...] it will be expanded according to the following syntax, otherwise the value is taken literally - Configuration is splitted by "\|" and the parts are processed individually and finally added together - For each configuration part: - "[int]-[int]" = Integer range, will be expanded to all values in between, values included, starting from low to high (max. 1000). Example "1-34" or "-40--30" - "**\_TABLE:**" in the beginning of string indicates a look up in a table. Syntax is a string where [keyword]:[value] pairs are separated by semi-colon. Example "\_TABLE:tt\_content; \_PID:123" - Keyword " **\_TABLE** ": (mandatory, starting string): Value is table name from TCA to look up into. - Keyword " **\_ADDTABLE** ": Additional tables to fetch data from. This value will be appended to "\_TABLE" and used as "FROM" part of SQL query. - Keyword " **\_PID** ": Value is optional page id to look in (default is current page). - Keyword " **\_RECURSIVE** ": Optional flag to set recursive crawl depth. Default is 0. - Keyword " **\_FIELD** ": Value is field name to use for the value (default is uid). - Keyword " **\_PIDFIELD** ": Optional value that contains the name of the column containing the pid. By default this is "pid". - Keyword " **\_ENABLELANG** ": Optional flag. If set only the records from the current language are fetched. - Keyword " **\_WHERE** ": Optional flag. This can be use to e.g. if you don't want hidden records to be crawled. - \- Default: Literal value **Examples:** :: &L=[|1|2|3] &L=[0-3] :: tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets { myConfigurationKeyName = &tx_myext[items]=[_TABLE:tt_myext_items;_PID:15;_WHERE: hidden = 0] myConfigurationKeyName { pidsOnly = 13 procInstrFilter = tx_indexedsearch_reindex } } .. container:: table-row Property .. _crawler-tsconfig-paramSets-key-procInstrFilter: paramSets.[key].procInstrFilter Data type string Description List of processing instructions, eg. "tx\_indexedsearch\_reindex" from indexed\_search to send for the request. Processing instructions are necessary for the request to perform any meaningful action, since they activate third party activity. .. container:: table-row Property .. _crawler-tsconfig-paramSets-key-procInstrParams: paramSets.[key].procInstrParams.[procIn.key].[...] Data type strings Description Options for processing instructions. Will be defined in the respective third party modules. **Examples:** .....procInstrParams.tx\_staticpub\_publish.includeResources=1 .. container:: table-row Property .. _crawler-tsconfig-paramSets-key-pidsOnly: paramSets.[key].pidsOnly Data type list of integers (pages uid) Description List of Page Ids to limit this configuration to .. container:: table-row Property .. _crawler-tsconfig-paramSets-key-userGroups: paramSets.[key].userGroups Data type list of integers (fe\_groups uid) Description User groups to set for the request. .. container:: table-row Property .. _crawler-tsconfig-paramSets-key-baseUrl: paramSets.[key].baseUrl Data type string Description If not set, t3lib\_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3\_SITE\_URL') is used to request the page. MUST BE SET if run from CLI (since TYPO3\_SITE\_URL does not exist in that context!) .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### [Page TSconfig: tx\_crawler.crawlerCfg] Example ======= :: tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets.test = &L=[0-3] tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets.test { procInstrFilter = tx_indexedsearch_reindex pidsOnly = 1,5,13,55 userGroups = 1 }