.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. _indexingCustomContentFields: Indexing custom content fields ============================== If you added fields to the tt_content table in order to use them with your own content elements, you can index these fields with the default page indexer, too. Two hooks are needed: * One adds the new field to the list of fields fetched from the tt_content table, * the other one adds the field to the content written to the index. Register the hooks .................. You need to register the hooks in your ext_localconf.php as follows: .. code-block:: none // Register hooks for indexing additional fields. $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ke_search']['modifyPageContentFields'][] = \MyVendor\KeSearchHooks\AdditionalContentFields::class; $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ke_search']['modifyContentFromContentElement'][] = \MyVendor\KeSearchHooks\AdditionalContentFields::class; Hook class .......... .. code-block:: none class AdditionalContentFields { public function modifyPageContentFields(&$fields, $pageIndexer) { // Add the field "subheader" from the tt_content table, which is normally not indexed, to the list of fields. $fields .= ",subheader"; } public function modifyContentFromContentElement(string &$bodytext, array $ttContentRow, $pageIndexer) { // Add the content of the field "subheader" to $bodytext, which is, what will be saved to the index. $bodytext .= strip_tags($ttContentRow['subheader']); } } Example ....... You can find an example in the extension ke_search_hooks: https://github.com/teaminmedias-pluswerk/ke_search_hooks