.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _templatingTemplateSelector: ================= Template Selector ================= It is possible to provide selectable template layouts to the editors, eg. a "list layout" and a "tile layout", or different searchbox layouts. .. figure:: /Images/Templating/template-layout-selector.png :alt: Select a template layout in plugin :class: with-border Usage ===== Register your new template layout in the *Page TSconfig*. It will then appear in the plugin and the editor will be able to select it. .. code-block:: typoscript TCEFORM { tt_content { pi_flexform.ke_search_pi1.view.templateLayout.addItems { 20 = Custom search box 1 } } } Register your own template paths, see :ref:`custom-templates`. Add the new layout inside a condition which checks for the setting `conf.templateLayout`. .. code-block:: html ... default template code ... custom template code