.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _configuration-allow-only-ke_search-records: ====================================== Allow only ke_search records on a page ====================================== Most likely you will create a sysfolder in which all the ke_search related data (indexer configurations, filters and the index) will be stored. You can reduce the allowed records in the "New record" wizard to ke_search records by including the static Page TSconfig file "Restrict pages to ke_search records". This will reduce the items shown in the "New record" wizard to indexer configurations and filters. .. figure:: /Images/Configuration/AllowedNewTables-01.png :alt: Select static Page TSconfig file :class: with-border .. figure:: /Images/Configuration/AllowedNewTables-02.png :alt: Available records are reduced to ke_search indexer configurations and filters :class: with-border