.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _examples: ======== Examples ======== .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: Indexer configuration ===================== .. figure:: /Images/Introduction/Indexer-Configuration.png :alt: Indexer configuration :class: with-border Start indexing in the backend ============================= .. figure:: /Images/QuickStart/start.png :alt: Backend module view :class: with-border The indexing progress is shown (since version 5.4.0). .. figure:: /Images/Introduction/Indexing-progress.png :alt: Indexing progress :class: with-border Basic result list ================= .. figure:: /Images/Introduction/Result-List.png :alt: Basic result list :class: with-border Live examples ============= Here are examples on how a search result list can be used to display either a more classical list of search results or results in form of tiles. It is even possible to use only the faceting possibilities and skip the fulltext search. * https://www.hs-geisenheim.de/suche/?tx_kesearch_pi1%5Bsword%5D=biologie * https://www.hfm-nuernberg.de/suche * https://www.hochschule-bochum.de/ba-studium/