.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt General Usage ------------- First you include the basic TypoScript settings into your page template (TYPO3 8.7 or above): |include-typoscript-template| For TYPO3 7.6 you have to include the default TypoScripts manually in your setup and constants: :: # Setup # Constants To start watching a folder for SCSS files use the following TypoScript: :: plugin.tx_t2scss { files { inputFolder = path/to/your/scss/files/ outputFolder = path/to/your/compiled/css/files/ } } Settings -------- :: plugin.tx_t2scss { # change file extensions that will be watched (default: scss, sass) files.extensions = scss,sass settings { # this turns on/off the extension (default: 1) activeCompiler = 1 # delete generated CSS files with no corresponding source file (recommended) unlinkCssFilesWithNoSourceFile = 1 # compiled CSS file will be compressed if you check this (recommended) compressed = 1 # turns off the caching and compiles on every request (not recommended in production) forceMode = 0 include { # default settings for includeCSS default { media = all title = compress = 1 allWrap = excludeFromConcatenation = 0 } # configure includeCSS settings per file my_scss_file_name { media = print } } } }