.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _field_type_checkbox: .. rst-class:: dl-parameters ======== Checkbox ======== The "Checkbox" type generates a number of checkbox fields. Selection of multiple items is enabled by default. It corresponds with the TCA `type='check'` (default). Properties ========== default :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` false :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` string :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` '' :sep:`|` Default value set if a new record is created. As example, value 5 enabled first and third checkbox. Each bit corresponds to a check box. This is true even if there is only one checkbox which which then maps to bit-0. items :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` true :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` array :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` '' :sep:`|` Contains the checkbox elements. Each item is an array with the first being the value transferred to the input field, and the second being the label in the select drop-down (LLL reference possible). Example: .. code-block:: yaml items: 'one': 'The first' 'two': 'The second' 'three': 'The third' Example ======= .. code-block:: yaml group: common fields: - identifier: checkboxes type: Checkbox properties: items: 'one': 'The first' 'two': 'The second' 'three': 'The third' default: 2