.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _field_type_percent: ======= Percent ======= The "Percent" type generates a simple `` field, which provides a slider for value picking. It corresponds with the TCA `type='input'` (default) with `range` and `slider` properties. Properties ========== .. rst-class:: dl-parameters default :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` false :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` integer :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` 0 :sep:`|` Default value set if a new record is created. range :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` false :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` array :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` '' :sep:`|` An array which defines an integer range within which the value must be. Keys: lower (integer/ float) Defines the lower integer value. Default: 0. upper (integer/ float) Defines the upper integer value. Default: 100. It is allowed to specify only one of both of them. Example: .. code-block:: yaml range: lower: 0 upper: 100 required :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` false :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` boolean :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` 'false' :sep:`|` If set, the field will become mandatory. size :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` false :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` integer :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` '20' :sep:`|` Abstract value for the width of the `` field. slider :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` false :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` array :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` '' :sep:`|` Render a value slider next to the field. Available keys: step (integer / float) Set the step size the slider will use. For floating point values this can itself be a floating point value. Default: 1. width (integer, pixels) Define the width of the slider. Default: 100. Example: .. code-block:: yaml range: step: 1 width: 100 trim :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` false :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` boolean :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` 'false' :sep:`|` If set, the PHP trim function is applied on the field's content. valuePicker :sep:`|` :aspect:`Required:` false :sep:`|` :aspect:`Type:` array :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` '' :sep:`|` Renders a select box with static values next to the input field. When a value is selected in the box, the value is transferred to the field. Keys: items (array) An array with selectable items. Each item is an array with the first being the value transferred to the input field, and the second being the label in the select drop-down (LLL reference possible). Example: .. code-block:: yaml valuePicker: items: 25: 25 50: 50 100: 100 Example ======= .. code-block:: yaml group: common fields: - identifier: percent type: Percent properties: default: 0 range: lower: 0 upper: 100 required: true size: 20 slider: step: 1 width: 100 trim: true valuePicker: items: 25: 25 50: 50 100: 100