.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= .. _configuration-extconf: Extension Configuration ======================= Click :guilabel:`Settings > Extension Configuration` in the backend to change the options. Configuration Options: .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Option :Description: Description :Default: Default value - :Property: defaultLangKey :Description: Default language key :Default: en - :Property: langKeys :Description: Translation language keys :Default: de,fr,it - :Property: useL10n :Description: Save translations to 'labels' or 'l10n' folder instead of the extension directory :Default: 0 - :Property: clearCache :Description: Clear l10n cache on save :Default: 0 - :Property: extFilter :Description: Filter for extension names (wildcard patterns, comma separated, e.g. acme_*) :Default: \* - :Property: allowedExts :Description: Allowed extensions for non-admin users (wildcard patterns, comma separated, e.g. acme_*) :Default: \* - :Property: allowedFiles :Description: Allowed filenames for non-admin users (comma separated, empty=all) :Default: [empty] - :Property: modifyDefaultLang :Description: Allow non-admin users to modify default language :Default: 0 - :Property: modifyKeys :Description: Allow non-admin users to modify keys and sorting (implies modifyDefaultLang) :Default: 0 - :Property: translatorInfo :Description: Provide an information for translators :Default: [empty]