.. include:: Includes.txt ============= Configuration ============= You can change the way this extensions tries to redirect site visitors. The two options are * Browser language (HTTP headers) * IP address IP address based redirects ========================== First you need to fetch a database file and store it on your server. This file is mandatory as it is used to map IP addresses to countries. .. rst-class:: bignums 1. Update the GeoIP2 database file via CLI or Scheduler. * **CLI** Run `./vendor/bin/typo3 sitelanguageredirection:updatedb` * **Scheduler** Create new task of class **Execute console commands** and set **Schedulable Command** to **sitelanguageredirection:updatedb** .. image:: Images/scheduler.png :alt: Settings of new scheduler task. .. tip:: Use this option to periodically update your database file. This step creates a file under `\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment::getVarPath() . '/sitelanguageredirection/'` with all the geolocation information. .. note:: This does not alter your SQL database. 2. Update the preferred method in your site configuration in the tab **Site Language Redirection**. Defaults to HTTP headers. .. image:: Images/site-config.png :alt: Screenshot showing the Site Language Redirection tab in the site configuration. This updates :file:`config/sites//config.yaml` and adds the following line of code: .. code-block:: yaml SiteLanguageRedirectionMethod: 2