.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Editors .. _configurationSlider: ================================== Slider option for the Text & media ================================== The default typo3 content element is extended so that it can be rendered as a slider. Follow these steps to add an iframe content element to a page. Iframe content elements render a responsive iframe with different aspect ratios. #. Go to the module :guilabel:`Web > Page` and select the page where you want to add the Slider content element. #. Add a new content element and select the entry :guilabel:`Plugins > Text & Media [textmedia]`. #. Switch to the tab :guilabel:`Media` where you can define the Slider Content settings. #. Add images to the field :guilabel:`Media elements`. #. Select either :guilabel:`Slider with navigation arrows [100]` or :guilabel:`Slider with navigation buttons` option in the field :guilabel:`Gallery Settings -> Position and Alignment` so that the content element is rendered as the slider. #. Select :guilabel:`Height` field . #. Check :guilabel:`Show mask to dark images` field if you need a black overlay to be visible on top of the slider images. #. Click :guilabel:`Save`. .. figure:: ../Images/SliderContentSettings.png :width: 820px :alt: CitationBoxSettings Backed view .. figure:: ../Images/SliderContent.png :width: 820px :alt: CitationBox Frontend view