.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= In order to show the banner add a new content element of the type :guilabel:`Cookie Banner` in the the content area of a page that is going to be inherited by its subpages (usually the footer in the home page): .. image:: ../Images/3.png :class: with-shadow | Fill up the fields with the desired values: .. image:: ../Images/4.png :class: with-shadow | .. list-table:: Explanation :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description * - Text - Used to display general info about the cookie banner * - Position of the banner - To specify where the cookie banner is to be displayed in the frontend * - Button text - Button text * - Privacy text - This text will be shown as a link of the link provided in the field Privacy Link * - Privacy link - Link to the page with the privacy content * - Show Edit cookie settings button - If checked a button will be shown on the footer of the page, cliking on it will show the cookie banner wuth it has been dismissed In order to insert a Google map (or any other code) that will be handled by the extension add a new content of the type :guilabel:`Cookie Consent Html Wrapper`: .. image:: ../Images/5.png :class: with-shadow | Fill up the fields with the desired values: .. image:: ../Images/6.png :class: with-shadow | .. list-table:: Explanation :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description * - Show wrapper if cookie consent is given fot it - The group of cookies that have to be accepted to render the content * - HTML-Code (e.g. iframe) - The code to be rendered * - Placeholder image (if cookies are not accepted) - The image to be used as a placeholder