.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _configuration: ============= Configuration ============= Loading of jQuery =============== This extensions loads its own jQuery file. You can disable it by adding the following TypoScript inside your `constants.typoscript` or by editing the constants inside the constant editor in the Template module. .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_waconcookiemanagement_cookiefreigabe.settings.includeJQuery = 0 Limit the amount of days, the cookie consents will be stored inside the database ================================================================================ You can now set how long user consent is stored in the database. This can help to keep the database-tables as small as possible. This setting is available inside TypoScript .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_waconcookiemanagement_cookiefreigabe.settings.statisticsDays = 30 .. info:: This is by default set to 365 days. Adding links inside bodytext for displaying the cookie consent box ================================================================== In Rich Text Editors you can make some settings inside your `.yaml` file so that you can insert links to the cookie consent box inside any bodytext. Put the following configuration inside your `.yaml` file for your RTE. For example, it could be located inside `Configuration/RTE/Default.yaml` but this depends on your sitepackage/exension:: editor: config: stylesSet: - { name: "Cookie Set", element: "p", attributes: { 'class': 'cookie-set' } } With this settings, you get an extra dropdown item inside the Style-dropdown list. This example surrounds the `

`-Tag with an extra class `cookie-set`. f.e.: `

` .. figure:: ../Images/Configuration/style-dropdown-configuration.png :alt: Style dropdown example Example of the dropdown. .. important:: You can use any other solution for adding this class to your text. It is only important, that the element must have the class `cookie-set`. For example you can use a ``-Tag like `Cookies`. Be aware that you might need other settings than explained here.