.. include:: ../../../Includes.txt .. _kickstarterMenu.extensionConfiguration: ======================= Extension Configuration ======================= This item opens the form for the configuration of the extension. .. figure:: ../../../Images/UsersManualKickstarterMenuExtensionConfiguration.png .. tip:: Click on the icons at the right hand side of ``Extension Configuration``: - to access to this section of the documentation. - to save your configuration. - to generate the extension. - **Title for the extension manager**: title which will be displayed in extension manager. - **Vendor name**: vendor name (**mandatory**). - **Title for the plugin**: title which will be displayed in the plugin selector. - **Description**: use this field to describe the aim of the extension. - **State**: selector which specifies the state of the extension. - **Dependencies**: specify here the dependencies of the extension. Dependencies must be comma-separated. If only extension names are entered, dependencies will be added in ``ext_emconf.php`` file without constraints. The SAV Library Kickstarter generates automatically the dependency to SAV Library Plus or SAV Library Mvc for ``composer.json`` and ``ext_emconf.php`` files. Constraints can be added for ``ext_emconf.php`` or ``composer.json``. The following example is taken from the extension `sav_library_example10 `_ which depends on extension `maps2 `_. .. code:: maps2(emconf:5.2.3-0.0.0), jweiland/maps2(composer:^5.2.3) The dependency to ``maps2`` will be added to ``ext_emconf.php`` with the constraint ``5.2.3-0.0.0``. .. code:: 'depends' => [ 'typo3' => '8.7.0-9.5.99', 'maps2' => '5.2.3-0.0.0', 'sav_library_plus' => '9.5.0-0.0.0' ], The extension ``maps2`` has a composer support ``jweiland/maps2``. In such case, you must enter directly the dependency, i.e. ``jweiland/maps2``, instead of the extension name. The dependency is added to ``composer.json`` with the constraint ``^5.2.3``. .. code:: "require": { "typo3/cms-core": ">=8.7,<10.0", "jweiland/maps2": "^5.2.3", "typo3-ter/sav-library-plus": ">=9.5.0" }, .. note:: When the extension name is used ``typo3-ter/`` will be prepended to the extension name to build the dependency in ``composer.json``. For example, the following dependencies are used for the extension `sav_library_example9 `_ which depends on the extension `sav_charts `_. .. code:: sav_charts(emconf:9.5.0-0.0.0)(composer:^9.5.0) It generates the following ``require`` part in ``composer.json``. .. code:: "require": { "typo3/cms-core": ">=8.7,<10.0", "typo3-ter/sav-charts": "^9.5.0", "typo3-ter/sav-library-plus": ">=9.5.0" }, - **Author**: use this field to set the extension's author. - **Author email**: use this field to set the author's email. - **Library type**: selector which specifies the type of extension which will be generated. The ``Basic`` type can be used to kickstart extension using Fluid and Exbase. Icons at the right hand side of the selector are still experimental. They should make it possible to migrate a ``Plus`` type extension to a ``Mvc`` type extension and vice-versa. - **Compatibility**: selector which defines the compatibility of the extension. This selector evolves with the version of TYPO3. If an extension becomes incompatible, it has to be upgraded. - **Add TypoScript configuration**: if selected, TypoScript configuration files are added (only for ``Plus`` type. For ``Basic`` and ``Mvc`` TypoScript configuration files are always added. - **Add a wizard plugin icon**: if selected, a wizard icon will be added to the plugin. The wizard icon file must be named ``ExtensionWizard.svg`` and put in the directory ``Resources/Public/Icons``. - **Keep the file ext_localconf.php if it exists**: set this option if you ``manually`` modify the ``ext_localconf.php`` file. It will prevent the SAV Library Kickstarter to rebuild it. - **Debug Queries (Use only for developments)**: selector which defines the level of debuging. The options are: - ``Off``: no debugging is provided. - ``Queries with errors``: debugging is provided for queries with errors. - ``All queries``: debugging is provided for all queries. .. warning:: For security reasons, set this selector to ``Off`` in the final version of your extension. By default, debug information is provided by the TYPO3 Core ``debug()`` function. However, it is often easier to use the TYPO3 Logging system by adding the following configuration to ``typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php``: .. code:: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['LOG']['YolfTypo3']['SavLibraryPlus']['writerConfiguration'] = [ \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG => [ \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriter::class => [ 'logFile' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Environment::getVarPath() . '/log/SavLibraryPlus.log' ], ], ]; - **New version**: use these checkboxes to automatically ugrade the version of your extension. .. tip:: - If you set z, one unit will be added to the z part. - It you set y, one unit will be added to the y part, while the z part is reset to 0. - If you set x, one unit, will be added to the x part, while the y and z parts will be reset.