.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _generalAttributes: ================== General Attributes ================== ======================================================= =========== ============ ==== ==== Property Data type Default Plus Mvc ======================================================= =========== ============ ==== ==== :ref:`general.addEdit` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.addEditIfAdmin` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.addEditIfNull` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.addLeftIfNotNull` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.addLeftIfNull` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.addNewIcon` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.addRighIfNotNull` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.addRighIfNull` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.alias` Field name Yes Yes :ref:`general.classField` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.classLabel` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.classValue` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.cut` Boolean 0 Yes Yes :ref:`general.cutIf` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.cutIfNull` Boolean 0 Yes Yes :ref:`general.cutIfSameAsPrevious` Boolean 0 Yes Yes :ref:`general.cutLabel` Boolean 0 Yes Yes :ref:`general.edit` Boolean 1 Yes Yes :ref:`general.editAdminPlus` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.func` String Yes No :ref:`general.funcAddLeftIfNotNull` String Yes No :ref:`general.funcAddLeftIfNull` String Yes No :ref:`general.funcAddRightIfNotNull` String Yes No :ref:`general.funcAddRightIfNull` String Yes No :ref:`general.fusion` {begin, Yes Yes end} :ref:`general.label` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.mail` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.mailAlways` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.mailAuto` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.onLabel` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.orderLinkInTitle` Boolean 0 Yes Yes :ref:`general.orderLinkInTitleSetup` String :link: Yes Yes :ref:`general.query` SQL Yes No statements :ref:`general.queryOnValue` String Yes No :ref:`general.queryForEach` Field name Yes No :ref:`general.renderReqValue` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.reqValue` SQL SELECT Yes No statement :ref:`general.showIf` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.setExtendLink` Table name Yes No :ref:`general.stdWrapItem` stdWrap Yes No :ref:`general.stdWrapValue` stdWrap Yes Yes :ref:`general.styleLabel` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.styleValue` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.tsObject` cObject Yes Yes :ref:`general.tsProperties` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.value` String Yes Yes :ref:`general.verifier` String Yes No :ref:`general.verifierMessage` String Yes No :ref:`general.verifierParam` String Yes No :ref:`general.verifierSetWarning` Boolean 0 Yes No :ref:`general.wrapInnerItem` Wrap Yes No :ref:`general.wrapItem` Wrap Yes Yes :ref:`general.wrapItemIfNotCut` Wrap Yes No :ref:`general.wrapValue` Wrap Yes No ======================================================= =========== ============ ==== ==== .. _general.addEdit: addEdit ======= .. container:: table-row Property addEdit Data type Boolean Description When the field is used in an ``Update form`` view, it will add an input element for update that can be used with the marker ``###field_name_Edit###`` where ``field_name`` is the name of the field. See also the help for Form views (showAllItemTemplate) to see how to use markers ``###field[field_name, label]###``. Default 0 .. _general.addEditIfAdmin: addEditIfAdmin ============== .. container:: table-row Property addEditIfAdmin Data type Boolean Description Same as addEdit but the element will be added only if the user has the input right for the plugin. Default 0 .. _general.addEditIfNull: addEditIfNull ============= .. container:: table-row Property addEditIfNull Data type Boolean Description Same as addEdit but the element will be added only if the field is null. Default 0 .. _general.addLeftIfNotNull: addLeftIfNotNull ================ .. container:: table-row Property addLeftIfNotNull Data type String Description String will be added to the left if the field value is not null. Default 0 .. _general.addLeftIfNull: addLeftIfNull ============= .. container:: table-row Property addLeftIfNull Data type String Description String will be added to the left if the field value is null. .. _general.addNewIcon: addNewIcon ========== .. container:: table-row Property addNewIcon Data type Integer Description A new icon, will be displayed in front of the field during the number of days given by the int number. .. _general.addRighIfNotNull: addRighIfNotNull ================ .. container:: table-row Property addRighIfNotNull Data type String Description String will be added to the right if the field value is not null. .. _general.addRighIfNull: addRighIfNull ============= .. container:: table-row Property addRighIfNull Data type String Description String will be added to the right if the field value is null. .. _general.alias: alias ===== .. container:: table-row Property alias Data type Field name Description The displayed value will be provided by the fieldname value for the current record. .. _general.classField: classField ========== .. container:: table-row Property classField Data type String Description The string will be added to the class associated with the field. .. _general.classLabel: classLabel ========== .. container:: table-row Property classLabel Data type String Description The string will be added to the class associated with the label. .. _general.classValue: classValue ========== .. container:: table-row Property classValue Data type String Description The string will be added to the class associated with the value. .. _general.cut: cut === .. container:: table-row Property cut Data type Boolean Description Cuts the field. It can be used in special cases when the configuration must be fetched, i.e. for the title bar, but the field should not be displayed in the view. Default 0 .. _general.cutIf: cutIf (showIf, requiredIf, queryIf, reqValueIf, editIf, valueIf) ================================================================ .. container:: table-row Property cutIf (showIf, mailIf, requiredIf, queryIf, reqValueIf, editIf, valueIf) Data type String Description If the condition is true, the property cut, show, mail, required, query, reqValue, edit or value is activated. The string can be: - fieldName operator value. Operator can be =, !=, >, <, >= or <=. The condition is true if current value of the field is equal to the given value. The markers ``###user###`` or ``###cruser###`` (same as user but should be used if a new record is created) will be replaced by the user id. - fieldName operateur specialValue. Operator can be is or isnot. The special value can be ``EMPTY`` or ``NEW``. The condition is true is the field is (or is not) empty (or a new record). - ###filter = filterName_contentId### The field is cut if the filter with attribut name ``filterName`` and content id ``contentId`` is used, e.g. ###filter = searchValue_3490###. - ###filter != filterName_contentId### The field is cut if the filter with attribut name ``filterName`` and content id ``contentId`` is used, e.g. ###filter != searchValue_3490###. - ###usergroup =g roup_name### The field is cut or shown if the group ``group_name`` is a valid group for the current user. - ###usergroup != group_name### The field is cut or shown if the group ``group_name`` is not a valid group for the current user. - ###group = group_name### The field is cut or shown if the group ``group_name`` is a valid group for the current record. It checks the usergroup field in the local table if any. - ###group != group_name### The field is cut or shown if the group ``group_name`` is not a valid group for the current record. It checks the usergroup field in the local table if any. Logical connectors &, \|, and, or can be used between expressions. .. _general.cutIfNull: cutIfNull ========= .. container:: table-row Property cutIfNull Data type Boolean Description Cuts the field if it is empty. Default 0 .. _general.cutIfSameAsPrevious: cutIfSameAsPrevious =================== .. container:: table-row Property cutIfSameAsPrevious Data type Boolean Description In ListView, this attribute cut the field if its value is the same as in the previous record. Default 0 .. _general.cutLabel: cutLabel ======== .. container:: table-row Property cutLabel Data type Boolean Description Cuts the label associated with the field. Default 0 .. _general.edit: edit ==== .. container:: table-row Property edit Data type Boolean Description Makes the field not editable in an input form. Default 1 in Edit views .. _general.editAdminPlus: editAdminPlus ============= .. container:: table-row Property editAdminPlus Data type Boolean Description Makes the field editable in an input form, if the user has the ``Admin+`` right. To be an ``Admin`` user, his/her TSConfig must contain a line as follows: - extKey_Admin=value where ``extKey`` is the extension key and value is one of the possible value of the ``Input Admin Field`` defined in the flexform associated with the extension. - The user becomes an ``Admin+`` user, if his/her TSConfig contains a line as follows: :: extKey_Admin=value+ Default 0 .. _general.func: func ==== .. container:: table-row Property func Data type String Description See :ref:`functions`. .. _general.funcAddLeftIfNotNull: funcAddLeftIfNotNull ==================== .. container:: table-row Property funcAddLeftIfNotNull Data type String Description String will be added to the left if the result of the applied function, defined by ``func=function_name;`` property, is not null. .. _general.funcAddLeftIfNull: funcAddLeftIfNull ================= .. container:: table-row Property funcAddLeftIfNull Data type String Description String will be added to the left if the result of the applied function, defined by ``func=function_name;`` property, is null. .. _general.funcAddRightIfNotNull: funcAddRightIfNotNull ===================== .. container:: table-row Property funcAddRightIfNotNull Data type String Description String will be added to the right if the result of the applied function, defined by ``func=function_name;`` property, is not null. .. _general.funcAddRightIfNull: funcAddRightIfNull ================== .. container:: table-row Property funcAddRightIfNull Data type String Description String will be added to the right if the result of the applied function, defined by ``func=function_name;`` property, is null. .. _general.fusion: fusion ====== .. container:: table-row Property fusion Data type {begin, end} Description - fusion = begin; Starts the fusion of the fields, that is the following fields will be displayed on the same line. - fusion = end; Ends the fusion of the fields, that is the following field will be displayed on the next line. .. _general.label: label ===== .. container:: table-row Property label Data type String Description The displayed label will be provided by the string. .. _general.mail: mail ==== .. container:: table-row Property mail Data type Boolean Description A mail will be associated with the field. If the field is a checkbox, it is used as a flag to verify is the mail has to be sent. Mail information are the following and can be used as properties: - fieldForCheckMail=field_name; The mail will be sent if the value of the fieldname for the current row is not null. - mailIfFieldSetTo=string; The mail will be sent if the value of the fieldname for the current row was previously null or zero and is set to the given string value. If the string is a comma- separated list of values, the mail is sent is the value of the fieldname for the current row belongs to this list (only in SAV Library Plus). - mailSender=string; mail of the sender. The marker ``###user_email###`` will be replaced by the user email. - mailReceiver=string; mail of the person who will receive the mail and process the information. - mailReceiverFromField=field_name; The ``field_name`` contains the mail of the person who will receive the mail and process the information. - mailReceiverFromQuery=MySQL_Query; The receiver is obtained from a select query with an alias ``value`` that will used to retrieve the receiver. Example: :: SELECT email AS value FROM fe_users WHERE ... - mailSubject=string; subject of the mail. Markers ``###fieldname###`` are allowed and will be replaced by their current value. - mailMessage=string, mail message. Markers ``###fieldname###`` are allowed and will be replaced by their current value. - mailcc=string; if set the string is used as Cc: for the mail. - mailccFromField=field_name; The ``field_name`` contains the mail of the person who will receive the mail in carbon copy. - mailReceiverFromQuery=MySQL_Query; The receiver is obtained from a select query with an alias ``value`` that will used to retrieve the carbon copy information. - mailMessageLanguage=string; This parameter will force the language for the message to the value of the string. - mailMessageLanguageFromField=fieldname; This parameter will force the language for the message to the value of the field (for example a selector box). Localization by means of the file ``locallang.xlf`` can be used with $$$tag$$$ which will be replaced by its value according to the configuration language. Default 0 .. _general.mailAlways: mailAlways ========== .. container:: table-row Property mailAlways Data type Boolean Description **The mail property must be set (mail = 1;) when using this property.** The mail is always sent when saving. Mail information are the following: - mailSender=string; mail of the sender. The marker ``###user_email###`` will be replaced by the user email. - mailReceiver=string; mail of the person who will receive the mail and process the information. - mailReceiverFromField=field_name; The ``field_name`` contains the mail of the person who will receive the mail and process the information. - mailReceiverFromQuery=MySQL_Query; The receiver is obtained from a select query with an alias ``value`` that will used to retreive the receiver. Example: :: SELECT email AS value FROM fe_users WHERE ... - mailSubject=string; subject of the mail. Markers ###fieldname### are allowed and will be replaced by their current value. - mailMessage=string, mail message. Markers ###fieldname### are allowed and will be replaced by their current value. - mailcc=string; if set the string is used as Cc: for the mail. - mailccFromField=field_name; The ``field_name`` contains the mail of the person who will receive the mail in carbon copy. - mailReceiverFromQuery=MySQL_Query; The receiver is obtained from a select query with an alias ``value`` that will used to retrieve the carbon copy information. Localization by means of the file ``locallang.xlf`` can be used with $$$tag$$$ which will be replaced by its value according to the configuration language. - mailMessageLanguage=string; This parameter will force the language for the message to the value of the string. - mailMessageLanguageFromField=fieldname; This parameter will force the language for the message to the value of the field (for example a selector box). Default 0 .. _general.mailAuto: mailAuto ======== .. container:: table-row Property mailAuto Data type Boolean Description **The mail property must be set (mail = 1;) when using this property.** The mail is sent when saving, if the field is not empty and if one field in the form is changed. Mail information are the following: - mailSender=string; mail of the sender. The marker ``###user_email###`` will be replaced by the user email. - mailReceiver=string; mail of the person who will receive the mail and process the information. - mailReceiverFromField=field_name; The ``field_name`` contains the mail of the person who will receive the mail and process the information. - mailReceiverFromQuery=MySQL_Query; The receiver is obtained from a select query with an alias ``value`` that will used to retreive the receiver. Example: :: SELECT email AS value FROM fe_users WHERE ... - mailSubject=string; subject of the mail. Markers ``###fieldname###`` are allowed and will be replaced by their current value. - mailMessage=string, mail message. Markers ``###fieldname###`` are allowed and will be replaced by their current value. - mailcc=string; if set the string is used as Cc: for the mail. - mailccFromField=field_name; The ``field_name`` contains the mail of the person who will receive the mail in carbon copy. - mailReceiverFromQuery=MySQL_Query; The receiver is obtained from a select query with an alias ``value`` that will used to retrieve the carbon copy information. Localization by means of the file ``locallang.xlf`` can be used with $$$tag$$$ which will be replaced by its value according to the onfiguration language. - mailMessageLanguage=string; This parameter will force the language for the message to the value of the string. - mailMessageLanguageFromField=fieldname; This parameter will force the language for the message to the value of the field (for example a selector box). Default 0 .. _general.onLabel: onLabel ======= .. container:: table-row Property onLabel Data type Boolean Description The value will be displayed in place of the label. Not so useful since the label can be cut. Default 0 .. _general.orderLinkInTitle: orderLinkInTitle ================ .. container:: table-row Property orderLinkInTitle Data type Boolean Description If this property is set, it makes it possible to generate a hyperlink in the title bar of the ``List`` view. The hyperlink is associated with the field if the marker ``###fieldname###`` is used in the ``Title bar`` section. Order clauses have to be defined in the ``Where Tags`` section of the ``Query Form``. Use the two followings ``Where Tags``: :: Name: fieldname+ WHERE Clause: ORDER BY Clause: tablename.fieldname Name: fieldname- WHERE Clause: ORDER BY Clause: tablename.fieldname DESC Note: orderLink can be also directly added in the title bar without any reference to a field. The syntax is: :: ###link(Default)[whereTagName1(,whereTageName2)]### If the optional part ``Default`` is used, by default the whereTagName1 is assumed when the extension is launched. The optional whereTagName2 can be used to set a toggle link with two different behaviours. Default 0 .. _general.orderLinkInTitleSetup: orderLinkInTitleSetup ===================== .. container:: table-row Property orderLinkInTitleSetup Data type String Description This property controls the display of the link when ``orderLinkInTitle`` is set. The format is ``param1:param2:param3`` where ``param1`` to ``param3`` can take the following values: - value: the field value is displayed, - link: the field value is displayed with a link which toggles the sort, - asc: an icon is displayed with a link to make an ascending sort, - desc: an icon is displayed with a link to make a descending sort, - ascdesc: two icons are displayed with separate links to make an ascending or descending sort. - label: the field label is displayed. - if there is no value, nothing is displayed. Default :link: .. _general.query: query ===== .. container:: table-row Property query Data type SQL statements Description The query will be executed once the input form data have been saved. Therefore, it can only be used with ``Edit`` or ``Update`` views. .. important:: Because any query may be executed, for security reason, this property can only be used if an admin user has checked the field ``Allow the use of the “query” property`` in the advanced folder of the flexform. It may be useful, for example, to update a specific table when the current data are saved. Several queries can be used in the SQL statements. Each query must be separated using ``\\;``. Special markers can be used in the statement: - ###uid### or ###uidMainTable### will be replaced by the current record uid. - ###CURRENT_PID### will be replaced by the current page uid. - ###user### will be replaced by the user id. - ###value### will be replaced by the current value for the field. .. _general.queryOnValue: queryOnValue ============ .. container:: table-row Property queryOnValue Data type String Description The query, as defined above, will be executed if the current field value is equal to the right hand side string. .. _general.queryForEach: queryForEach ============ .. container:: table-row Property queryForEach Data type Field name Description If the field is a true MM relation, the query, as defined above, will be executed for all the record in the relation. The special marker ``###field_name###``, where ``field_name`` is the field where the relation is defined, can be used to identify the record. It will be replaced by the uid of the associated record. .. _general.renderReqValue: renderReqValue ============== .. container:: table-row Property renderReqValue Data type Boolean Description Rendering is applied to the value provided by the ``reqValue`` attribute according to the type of the field. Default 0 .. _general.reqValue: reqValue ======== .. container:: table-row Property reqValue Data type SQL SELECT statement Description SQL SELECT statement must have an alias ``value`` which will be used as the value to display. Special markers can be used in the statement : - ###uid### will be replaced by the current record uid. - ###uidMainTable### will be replaced by the uid of the reccord in the main table. - ###user### will be replaced by the user id. - ###row[field_name]### where ``field_name`` is the name of a field in the current record, will be replaced by its current value. The following example returns the name of the user who has created the current record, assuming that ``tx_mytable`` is the local table: :: reqValue= SELECT name AS value FROM fe_users WHERE uid=(SELECT cruser_id FROM tx_mytable WHERE uid=###uid###); .. _general.setExtendLink: setExtendLink ============= .. container:: table-row Property setExtendLink Data type Table name Description The table name will be left-joined to existing tables. .. _general.showIf: showIf ====== .. container:: table-row Property showIf Data type String Description See :ref:`general.cutIf`. .. _general.stdWrapItem: stdWrapItem =========== .. container:: table-row Property stdWrapItem Data type stdWrap Description It defines a conventional TypoScript stdWrap property. You can add here full TypoScript syntax. .. important:: Do not forget that the configuration field is ended by a semi-column, therefore if you need a semi-column in your TypoScript write it ``\\;``. .. _general.stdWrapValue: stdWrapValue ============ .. container:: table-row Property stdWrapValue Data type stdWrap Description It defines a conventional TypoScript stdWrap property. You can add here full TypoScript syntax. .. important:: Do not forget that the configuration field is ended by a semi-column, therefore if you need a semi-column in your TypoScript write it ``\\;``. .. _general.styleLabel: styleLabel ========== .. container:: table-row Property styleLabel Data type String Description The string will be added as a style attribute associated with the label of the displayed value. .. _general.styleValue: styleValue ========== .. container:: table-row Property styleValue Data type String Description The string will be added as a style attribute associated with the displayed value. .. _general.tsObject: tsObject ======== .. container:: table-row Property tsObject Data type cObject Description It defines a TypoScript content object (e.g. TEXT) .. _general.tsProperties: tsProperties ============ .. container:: table-row Property tsProperties Data type String Description It defines the properties of the TypoScript cObject. .. important:: Do not forget that the configuration field is ended by a semi-column, therefore if you need a semi-column in your TypoScript write it ``\\;``. .. _general.value: value ===== .. container:: table-row Property value Data type String Description It defines directly the value for the field. .. _general.verifier: verifier ======== .. container:: table-row Property verifier Data type String Description Verifiers can be used to check if a field satisfy a constraint. Each field can have one verifier. Each verifier is associated with a parameter. The verifier name can be: - isValidPattern - isValidLength - isValidInterval - isValidQuery .. _general.verifierMessage: verifierMessage =============== .. container:: table-row Property verifierMessage Data type String Description It replaces the default message. Localization by means of the file ``locallang.xlf`` can be used with $$$tag$$$ which will be replaced by its value according to the configuration language. The marker ``$$$label[fieldName]$$$`` will be replaced by the fieldName title according to the localization. .. _general.verifierParam: verifierParam ============= .. container:: table-row Property verifierParam Data type String Description The string can be: - a regular expression for the verifier ``isValidPattern``. For example /=[A-Za-z0-9\_]*$/ will allow any input which contains letters, numbers or underline characters. - an integer value for the verifier ``isValidLength``. - an interval [a, b] where a and b are integers for the verifier ``isValidInterval``. - a SELECT query for ``isValidQuery``. The marker ``###value###`` in the query will be replaced by the value of the field. The marker ``###uid###`` will be replaced by the uid of the current record. .. _general.verifierSetWarning: verifierSetWarning ================== .. container:: table-row Property verifierSetWarning Data type Boolean Description If set an error detected by the verifier becomes a warning. In that case, the field content is written in the database (which is not the case for errors) and a message is displayed. Default 0 .. _general.wrapInnerItem: wrapInnerItem ============= .. container:: table-row Property wrapItem Data type Wrap Description The string will be used to wrap the inner item. The syntax in the same as in TypoScript. Localization by means of the file locallang.xlf can be used with ``$$$tag$$$`` which will be replaced by its value according to the configuration language. The marker ``$$$label[fieldName]$$$`` will be replaced by the fieldName title according to the localization. .. _general.wrapItem: wrapItem ======== .. container:: table-row Property wrapItem Data type Wrap Description The string will be used to wrap the item. The syntax in the same as in TypoScript. Localization by means of the file ``locallang.xlf`` can be used with ``$$$tag$$$`` which will be replaced by its value according to the configuration language. The marker ``$$$label[fieldName]$$$`` will be replaced by the fieldName title according to the localization. .. _general.wrapItemIfNotCut: wrapItemIfNotCut ================ .. container:: table-row Property wrapItem Data type Wrap Description The string will be used to wrap the inner item if it is not cut. The syntax in the same as in TypoScript. Localization by means of the file ``locallang.xlf`` can be used with ``$$$tag$$$`` which will be replaced by its value according to the configuration language. The marker ``$$$label[fieldName]$$$`` will be replaced by the fieldName title according to the localization. .. _general.wrapValue: wrapInnerItem ============= .. container:: table-row Property wrapItem Data type Wrap Description The string will be used to wrap the value. The syntax in the same as in TypoScript. Localization by means of the file ``locallang.xlf`` can be used with ``$$$tag$$$`` which will be replaced by its value according to the configuration language. The marker ``$$$label[fieldName]$$$`` will be replaced by the fieldName title according to the localization.