.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _tutorial: ======== Tutorial ======== The aim of this tutorial is to show how to use the SAV Library Kickstarter. Creating the Extension ====================== If you have neither created any extension with the SAV Library Kickstarter nor having SAV Library extensions uploaded, you will obtain the following display. .. figure:: ../Images/UsersManualEmptyExtensionList.png If you have already created extensions with the SAV Library Kickstarter or uploaded SAV Library extensions, they will be displayed. To create a new extension, click on the ``Create a new extension`` icon as shown below. .. figure:: ../Images/TutorialKickstarterNewExtension.png A new form will be displayed. If your have already created extensions, there name are displayed on the left hand side. .. figure:: ../Images/TutorialKickstarterNewExtensionLibraryTypeConfiguration.png Three library types are available: - ``Plus`` - The SAV Library Kickstarter generates an extension which requires the SAV Library Plus to be loaded. The `SAV Library Plus Extension `_ is stable since many years. It makes it possible to develop extensions **without any PHP coding**, thanks to simple configuration parameters. The SAV Library Plus extension relies on a conventional approach for the queries but uses Fluid for the rendering of views. - ``Mvc`` - The SAV Library Kickstarter generates an extension which requires the SAV Library Mvc to be loaded. The `SAV Library Mvc Extension `_ is the new development of the SAV Library which fully relies on the MVC approach with Extbase and Fluid. The configuration parameters to develop extension **without any PHP coding** are the same as in SAV Library Plus. This library is in beta state because it does not implement yet all the features available with SAV Library Plus. However available features are enough for most extensions. - ``Basic`` - This new feature was introduced in version 1.0.0 to **kickstart extensions based on Extbase and Fluid**. This basic generation includes the database, models, repositories and TCA generation for all the types available when using the SAV Library Plus or SAV Library Mvc. The controller displays a very basic template. Table of Contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :titlesonly: :glob: GenerateExtensionsForSavLibraryPlusOrMvc/Index KickstartExtensionsForExtbaseFluid/Index