.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _kickstartingExtensionsForExtbaseFluid: ========================================= Kickstarting Extensions for Extbase/Fluid ========================================= Fill the form and click on the ``Save`` button. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterExtensionConfigurationForBasicType.png .. warning:: Do not forget to provide a ``vendor name`` which will be used in namespaces (see https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ApiOverview/Namespaces/Index.html). Click on the cross icon of the ``Forms`` section, enter a name and save. The form name will be the extbase ``controller name``. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewFormForBasicType.png Click on the cross icon of the ``Views`` section, enter a name and save. The view name will be the ``default action name``. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewViewForBasicType.png Click on the cross icon of the ``New tables`` section, enter a short name and a title for the table, change the flags if necessary and save. .. warning:: Provide only a short name for the table. It will be added to the default part (here tx_savbasicexample0_domain_model) to build the full name. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewTableForBasicType.png Add the table fields by clicking on the cross icon at the right of the fields overview. By default, the field name and title are set to ``New``. .. tip:: if you have several field, in order to fasten the process, you may click several times on cross icon to add the fields. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewFieldForBasicType.png Each field can be edited, moved up or down and deleted using the icons. Provide a field name (name in the database), a label and a type. The kickstarter will generate the TCA for conventional useful types. **Do not forget to save**. The final step is to generate the extension by clicking on the ``Generate`` button. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterGeneratingExtensionForBasicType.png Installing the Extension ======================== Install you extension either with the extension manager or with SAV Library Kickstarter Create a page and insert a plugin content element and select ``SAV Basic Example0`` in the plugin selector. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingPluginForBasicType.png Go to your page in the frontend and you should see the following caption. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterPluginInFrontendForBasicType.png