.. include:: ../../../Includes.txt .. _kickstarterMenu.newTables: ========== New Tables ========== This item opens the form used to generate the new tables of the extension. .. figure:: ../../../Images/UsersManualKickstarterMenuNewTables.png .. tip:: Click on the icons at the right hand side of ``New Tables``: - to access to this section of the documentation. - to save the configuration - to generate the extension. The ``New Tables`` form has three different sections: - the table configuration. - the fields overview. - the field configuration. .. _kickstarterMenu.newTables.tableConfiguration: Table Configuration =================== This section contains several fields which have an impact on the behavior of the extension. .. figure:: ../../../Images/UsersManualKickstarterMenuNewTablesTableConfiguration.png - **Table Name**: enter in this field a short name for the table. .. important:: The SAV Library Kickstarter always prepend to the field ``tx_yourextensioname`` for ``Plus`` type and ``tx_yourextensioname_domain_model`` for ``Basic`` and ``Mvc`` types. If your enter, for example, ``shortname``, the real name in the database will be ``tx_yourextensioname_shortname`` for ``Plus`` type and ``tx_yourextensioname_domain_model_shortname`` for ``Basic`` and ``Mvc`` types. For ``Plus`` type, if you leave this field empty, the real name in the database for the table will be ``tx_yourextensioname``. - **Table Title**: enter the table title which will appear in the backend. - **Add "Deleted" field**: select the checkbox to add the field ``deleted`` to the table in the database. - **Add "Hidden" field**: select the checkbox to add the field ``hidden`` to the table in the database. - **Add "Starttime" field**: select the checkbox to add the field ``starttime`` to the table in the database. - **Add "Endtime" field**: select the checkbox to add the field ``endtime`` tor the table in the database. - **Add Access "group" field**: select the checkbox to add the field ``fe_group`` to the table in the database. - **Enabled localization features**: select the checkbox to add the fields for the localization of the record. - **Enable versioning**: select the checkbox to add the fields for versionning of the record. - **Add "Save and new" button in forms**: select the checkbox to add a ``Save and New`` button in ``Edit`` views. - **Allowed in "Insert Records" field in content elements**: select this checkbox if you want to add the table to the list of tables allowed to be included by content element type "Insert records". - **Allowed on pages**: select this checkbox if you want to add the table to the default list of allowed tables on pages. Use the ``default icon`` selector to choose the color of the record icon in the backend. - **Label-field**: use the selector to choose the field that will appear in the backend. By defaul the label will be the ``uid``. - **Label User Function**: when a special labeling is needed in the backend, you may use a `label_userFunc `_. - **Type-field, if any**: field name, which defines the "record type"(see `type `_). - **Manual ordering of records**: select this checkbox if you want to order manually the records. - **If "Manual ordering" is not set, order the table by this field**: use this selector to order the record by ascending order of the ``Label-field`` in the backend. - **Descending order**: select this checkbox for a descending order. .. _kickstarterMenu.newTables.fieldsOverview: Fields Overview =============== The first part of the ``Field overview`` section controls several actions. .. figure:: ../../../Images/UsersManualKickstarterMenuNewTablesFieldsOverviewControlActions.png Icons at the right hand side of ``Field Configuration`` can be respectively used to: - add a new field. - save the configuration. - generate the extension. - sort the current view in the same order as the view in the selector ``View``. - copy the field configuration of the selected field from the view in the selector ``View`` to the current view. - copy the fields configuration from the view in the selector ``View`` to the current view. The second part of the ``Field overview`` section deals with the control of fields which will be rendered in each view and each folder, if any for the view. You can select a view or a folder in a view, edit, move or delete fields. .. figure:: ../../../Images/UsersManualKickstarterMenuNewTablesFieldsOverviewViews.png The third part of the ``Field overview`` section provides extra fields control action. .. figure:: ../../../Images/UsersManualKickstarterMenuNewTablesFieldsOverviewFieldsControlActions.png - The first icon toogles the display of all fields, possibly in a folder if any. - The selector can be used to move a field below another one. .. _kickstarterMenu.newTables.fieldConfiguration: Field Configuration =================== This section is opened by clicking on a field name or an edit icon in the ``Fields Overview`` section. .. figure:: ../../../Images/UsersManualKickstarterMenuNewTablesFieldConfiguration.png - **Field name**: sets the name of the field in the database. - **Field title**: sets label for the field. - **Field type**: sets type of the field. - **Display cond.**: adds a `display condition `_. - **Folders**: sets the folder for the field, if any. Specific configuration options are added depending on the field type. Enter configuration attributes for the field in the textarea. See the :ref:`Reference section ` of this manual for allowed attributes for each type. .. tip: The help icon (the question mark icon just above the textarea) provides a direct link to the reference section for the selected field type.