.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _changingTheDefaultCss: ======================== Changing the Default CSS ======================== The extension `sav_library_plus `_ comes with a default CSS which is in the ``Resources/Public/Css`` directory of the SAV Library Plus. You can use your own CSS file by using the following TypoScript configuration: :: plugin.tx_savlibraryplus.stylesheet = yourStyleSheet You also may want to modify the default styles only for one specific extension. In that case, you just have to put a CSS file in the ``Resources/Public/Css`` directory of your extension under the name under the name ``yourExtensionName.css``, where ``yourExtensionName`` is the key of the extension you have created with the generator. This CSS will be automatically added in the HTML section (see :ref:`Tutorial 7 ` for such a case). You can also change it using the following TypoScript configuration: :: plugin.tx_yourExtensionNameWithoutUnderscores_pi1.stylesheet = yourStyleSheet