.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _tutorial10_singleView: =========== Single View =========== In this view, we have to deal with two problems: - Positioning correctly the fields, - Executing a plugin from the `maps2 `_ extenstion. Positioning the Fields ====================== The positioning of the fields is very simple in the ``List`` view because you can define the template. For the ``Single`` and ``Edit`` views, the positioning can be obtained using the :ref:`wrapItem ` property. This property has the same syntax and the same behaviour as the ``wrap`` property in TypoScript. To perform the requested positioning, we will use
tags organized as follows: .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial10SingleViewPositionning.png The wrapping is done field by field. For example, the first field is ``image``. It defines the beginning of the container
and the image
when the following property is used: :: wrapItem =
; - Analyze the :ref:`wrapItem ` for all the fields, then open the file ``sav_library_example10.css`` in the ``Resources/Public/Css`` directory to analyze the configuration. As it can be seen, the labels associated with the field are not displayed thanks to the {display:none;} CSS configuration. Let us note that the same result could have been obtained using the :ref:`cutLabel ` property in the Kickstarter (see for example the ``image`` and ``map`` fields). Executing the Plugin ==================== Executing a plugin in the extension can simply be done by means of the :ref:`tsObject ` and :ref:`tsProperties ` properties. The :ref:`tsObject ` is a content object in TypoScript, that is TEXT, FILE, CONTENT, ... Below is the configuration of the field ``map``. :: tsObject = USER; The ``USER`` is used to execute the action ``show`` of the plugin ``Maps2``. The extension ``settings`` are iported and modified. Let us note the use of the marker ``###poi_uid###`` which provides the uid of the point of interest for the map. :: tsProperties = userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run extensionName = Maps2 pluginName = Maps2 vendorName = JWeiland action = show switchableControllerActions { PoiCollection { 1 = show } } settings < plugin.tx_maps2.settings settings { zoom = 18 poiCollection = ###poi_uid### category = mapWidth = 100% mapHeight = 300 } } ; :: showIf = 0 < ###poi_uid###; The :ref:`showIf ` property checks if the marker ``###poi_uid###`` is positive. If true the map is displayed, otherwise it is cut as shown below. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial10SingleViewWithoutAddress.png Let us now explain how the marker ``###poi_uid###`` is set. Let us have a look to the configuration of the field ``poi_uid`` whose type is ``Show Only``. The first configuration is to always cut the field, i.e. it will not be displayed because it is is just a working field. :: cutIf = true; The second configuration gets the ``uid`` by means of a ``CONTENT`` object. The marker ``###uidMainTable###`` is always available. It is replaced by the uid of the current field in the main table. :: tsObject = CONTENT; tsProperties = table = tx_maps2_domain_model_poicollection select { join = tx_savlibraryexample10_poi_mm ON tx_maps2_domain_model_poicollection.uid = tx_savlibraryexample10_poi_mm.uid_foreign selectFields = tx_maps2_domain_model_poicollection.uid where = uid_local = ###uidMainTable### } renderObj = TEXT renderObj.field = uid ; The third configuration sets the field value in the marker ``poi_uid``, i.e. the marker ``###poi_uid###`` is now available. :: renderFieldInMarker = poi_uid;