.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _tutorial8_extensionOverview: ================== Extension Overview ================== Edit the extension `sav_library_example8 `_ in the SAV Library Kickstarter to get an overview. It contains: - Two forms (USER, ADMIN), - Five views (USER_List, USER_Edit, ADMIN_List, ADMIN_Single, ADMIN_Edit), - Two queries (USER_Query, ADMIN_Query). The organization of the forms is quite similar to the previous examples. Just click on them to analyze it. Let us focus on the configurations associated with the existing table ``fe_users`` by clicking on the link ``fe_users``. As it can be seen, all fields have type ``Only shown in SAV Form``. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial8KickstarterFeUsersTableImport.png When the extension was created, by clicking on the link ``Import fields from table as “Only shown in SAV form”`` , all fields from the table ``fe_users`` were imported, then unwanted fields were removed. The User Form (USER) ==================== In this example, it was chosen to design a very simple form consisting in the display of the user image field. The image is associated with a link to open the user form in the edit mode. The Query USER_Query ==================== The query is used to filter the ``fe_users`` table with the authenticated user. This is easily done by using the marker ``###user###`` in the ``WHERE clause`` of the query. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial8KickstarterUserQuery.png The Views USER_List and USER_Edit ================================= The template associated with these views is quite simple since the only field to display is ``image``. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial8KickstarterUserListView.png And to make it possible to generate the link to open the input view, only a few configuration attributes are required. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial8KickstarterFieldConfiguration.png - ``func = makeItemLink;`` generates the link for the current item. - ``edit = 1;`` opens the edit view instead of the default view (``Single`` view). - ``width = 50;`` and ``height = 50;`` define the size of the image. Because there is no ``Single`` view associated with the user form, the default ``Edit`` view title bar must be changed, in particular the ``save and show`` and the ``show button`` must be removed. The example comes a directory ``Resources/Private/Partials`` which contains two directories ``TitleBars`` and ``Footers``. They respectively contain a folder ``EditView`` which contain themselves a new ``default.html`` Fluid file. We will see later how to call these new ``Partials``. Finally, to override the default css, the example comes with a css file ``sav_library_example8.css`` in the ``Resources/Public/Css`` directory which contains the following instructions : :: .sav_library_example8_user .savLibraryPlus .listView {width:62px;background-color:#ffffff;} .sav_library_example8_user .savLibraryPlus .listView .titleBar {display:none;} .sav_library_example8_user .savLibraryPlus .listView .items .item {border:none;background-color:#ffffff;} Concerning the view USER_edit, each field with the tyep ``Only shown in SAV Form`` (ShowOnly fields) has the property :ref:`updateShowOnlyField ` set to 1. By default in ``ShowOnly`` fields are not created nor can be updated. Setting this property to 1 overrides the default behavior. The Administration Form (ADMIN) =============================== The administration form is used in the frontend to manage, give rights, export frontend users. It is based on a conventional query, ``List``, ``Single`` and ``Edit`` views for which no specific configuration is needed. Just click on the different views and tabs to see how fields are grouped.