.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _how-to: =========== How To =========== Webfonts backend module =========================== The Webfonts backend module is an comfortable way to install fonts. I is very useful during development to quickly test another font. .. image:: ../images/backend-module.png :class: with-shadow :scale: 50 TypoScript =========================== It is also possible to use TypoScript to install webfonts. The extension will install the font automatically. Google Fonts =============== .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_webfonts.settings { fonts { advent-pro { id=advent-pro provider=google_webfonts variants=regular,700 charsets=latin,greek } } } .. tip:: Behind the scenes the app consumes the `google-webfonts-helper `__ API. You can browse all the fonts, variants and charsets available. Fontawesome =============== .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_webfonts.settings { fonts { 20 { id=fontawesome provider=fontawesome version=6.4.0 methods=css styles=all minified=true } } } The parameters are derived from `Fontawesome Documentation `__ **methods** (comma-separated list): * :typoscript:`css` (default) `read more `__ * :typoscript:`js` `read more `__ **styles** (comma-separated list): * List of `Fontawesome styles `__ Choose :typoscript:`all` (default) or mix off: :typoscript:`brands`, :typoscript:`fontawesome`, :typoscript:`regular`, :typoscript:`solid` .. hint:: Technically you can use both methods to install webfonts. However, I recommend using the TypoScript method since it is easier to reuse and publish in distribution packages.