.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: Fluid; additionalAttributes ============================= Property additionalAttributes ============================= All Fluid ViewHelper that create exactly one HTML tag, tag-based ViewHelpers, can get passed the property :html:`additionalAttributes`. A tag-based Fluid ViewHelper generally supports most attributes that are also available in HTML. There are, for example, the attributes `class` and `id`, which exist in all tag-based ViewHelpers. Sometimes attributes are needed that are not provided by the ViewHelper. A common example are data attributes. .. code-block:: html :caption: EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/SomeTemplate.html The property `additionalAttributes` is especially helpful if only a few of these additional attributes are needed. Otherwise, it is often reasonable to write an own ViewHelper which extends the corresponding ViewHelper. The property `additionalAttributes` is provided by the :php:`TagBasedViewHelper` so it is also available to custom ViewHelpers based on this class. See chapter :ref:`fluid-custom-viewhelper`.