.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _logging-writers: =========== Log writers =========== The purpose of a log writer is (usually) to save all log records into a persistent storage, like a log file, a database table, or to a remote syslog server. Different log writers offer possibilities to log into different targets. :ref:`Custom log writers ` can extend the functionality shipped with TYPO3 Core. .. contents:: **Table of Contents** :local: .. _logging-writers-builtin: Built-in log writers ==================== This section describes the log writers shipped with the TYPO3 Core. Some writers have options to allow customization of the particular writer. See the :ref:`configuration ` section on how to use these options. .. _logging-writers-database: DatabaseWriter -------------- The database writer logs into a database table. This table has to reside in the database used by TYPO3 and is **not** automatically created. The following option is available: .. confval:: logTable :name: database-writer-logTable :type: string :Mandatory: no :Default: :sql:`sys_log` The database table to write to. .. warning:: The :guilabel:`Admin Tools > Log` module is not adapted to the records written by the :php:`DatabaseWriter` into the :sql:`sys_log` table. If you write such records there, you will not be able to see them using that module. .. tip:: There is the third-party extension :t3ext:`logs` available for viewing such records in the TYPO3 backend. Example of a :sql:`CREATE TABLE` statement for :php:`logTable`: .. literalinclude:: _ext_tables.sql :language: sql :caption: EXT:my_extension/ext_tables.sql The corresponding configuration might look like this for the example class :php:`\T3docs\Examples\Controller`: .. literalinclude:: _ext_localconf.php :language: php :caption: EXT:my_extension/ext_localconf.php .. warning:: If you are using a MariaDB Galera Cluster you should definitely add a primary key field to the database definition, since it is required by Galera (this can be a normal :sql:`uid` autoincrement field as known from other tables): `MariaDB Galera Cluster - Known Limitations `__. .. _logging-writers-FileWriter: FileWriter ---------- The file writer logs into a log file, one log record per line. If the log file does not exist, it will be created (including parent directories, if needed). Please make sure: * Your web server has write permissions to that path. * The path is below the root directory of your website (defined by :ref:`Environment::getPublicPath() `). The filename is appended with a hash, that depends on the :ref:`encryption key `. If :ref:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['generateApacheHtaccess'] ` is set, an :file:`.htaccess` file is added to the directory. It protects your log files from being accessed from the web. If the :php:`logFile` option is not set, TYPO3 will use a filename containing a random hash, like :file:`typo3temp/logs/typo3_7ac500bce5.log`. The following options are available: .. confval:: logFile :name: file-writer-logFile :type: string :Mandatory: no :Default: :file:`typo3temp/logs/typo3_.log` (for example, like :file:`typo3temp/logs/typo3_7ac500bce5.log`) The path to the log file. .. confval:: logFileInfix :name: file-writer-logFileInfix :type: string :Mandatory: no :Default: (empty string) This option allows to set a different name for the log file that is created by the :php:`FileWriter` without having to define a full path to the file. For example, the settings :php:`'logFileInfix' => 'special'` results in :file:`typo3_special_.log`. The corresponding configuration might look like this for the example class :php:`\T3docs\Examples\Controller`: .. literalinclude:: _ext_localconf_FileWriter.php :language: php :caption: EXT:my_extension/ext_localconf.php .. _logging-writers-RotatingFileWriter: RotatingFileWriter ------------------ .. versionadded:: 13.0 TYPO3 log files tend to grow over time if not manually cleaned on a regular basis, potentially leading to full disks. Also, reading its contents may be hard when several weeks of log entries are printed as a wall of text. To circumvent such issues, established tools like `logrotate`_ are available for a long time already. However, TYPO3 may be installed on a hosting environment where "logrotate" is not available and cannot be installed by the customer. To cover such cases, a simple log rotation approach is available, following the "copy/truncate" approach: when rotating files, the currently opened log file is copied (for example, to `typo3_.log.20230616094812`) and the original log file is emptied. .. _logrotate: https://linux.die.net/man/8/logrotate Example of the :file:`var/log/` folder with rotated log files: .. code-block:: console $ ls -1 var/log typo3_.log typo3_.log.20230613065902 typo3_.log.20230614084723 typo3_.log.20230615084756 typo3_.log.20230616094812 The file writer :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\RotatingFileWriter` extends the :ref:`FileWriter ` class. The :php:`RotatingFileWriter` accepts all options of :php:`FileWriter` in addition of the following: .. confval:: interval :name: rotating-file-writer-interval :type: :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\Enum\Interval`, string :Mandatory: no :Default: :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\Enum\Interval::DAILY` The interval defines how often logs should be rotated. Use one of the following options: * :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\Enum\Interval::DAILY` or :php:`daily` * :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\Enum\Interval::WEEKLY` or :php:`weekly` * :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\Enum\Interval::MONTHLY` or :php:`monthly` * :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\Enum\Interval::YEARLY` or :php:`yearly` .. confval:: maxFiles :name: rotating-file-writer-maxFiles :type: integer :Mandatory: non :Default: :php:`5` This option configured how many files should be retained (use :php:`0` to never delete any file). .. note:: When configuring the :php:`RotatingFileWriter` in :file:`system/settings.php`, the string representations of the :php:`Interval` cases must be used for the option :php:`interval` option, as otherwise this might break the Install Tool. The following example introduces log rotation for the "main" log file: .. literalinclude:: _additionalRotationFileWriter.php :language: php :caption: config/system/additional.php | typo3conf/system/additional.php Another example introduces log rotation for the "deprecation" log file: .. literalinclude:: _additionalRotationFileWriterForDeprecations.php :language: php :caption: config/system/additional.php | typo3conf/system/additional.php .. _logging-writers-php: PhpErrorLogWriter ----------------- This writer logs into the PHP error log using `error_log()`_ .. _error_log(): https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.error-log.php .. _logging-writers-syslog: SyslogWriter ------------ The syslog writer logs into the syslog (Unix only). The following option is available: .. confval:: facility :name: syslog-writer-facility :type: string :Mandatory: no :Default: ``USER`` The syslog `facility`_ to log into. .. _facility: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syslog#Facility .. _logging-writers-custom: Custom log writers ================== Custom log writers can be added through extensions. Every log writer has to implement the interface :t3src:`core/Classes/Log/Writer/WriterInterface.php`. It is suggested to extend the abstract class :t3src:`core/Classes/Log/Writer/AbstractWriter.php` which allows you to use configuration options by adding the corresponding properties and setter methods. Please keep in mind that TYPO3 will silently continue operating, in case a log writer is throwing an exception while executing the :php:`writeLog()` method. Only in the case that all registered writers fail, the log entry with additional information will be added to the configured fallback logger (which defaults to the :ref:`PhpErrorLog ` writer). .. _logging-writers-usage: Usage in a custom class ----------------------- All log writers can be used in your own classes. If the service is configured to use autowiring you can inject a logger into the :php:`__construct()` method of your class :php:`\MyVendor\MyExtension\MyFolder\MyClass`) since TYPO3 v11 LTS. .. literalinclude:: _MyClassWithConstructorInjection.php :caption: EXT:my_extension/Classes/MyClass.php If autowiring is disabled, the service class however must implement the interface :php:`\Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface` and use the :php:`\Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait`. .. literalinclude:: _MyClassWithLoggerAwareInterface.php :caption: EXT:my_extension/Classes/MyClass.php One or more log writers for this class are configured in the file :file:`ext_localconf.php`: .. literalinclude:: _ext_localconf_FileWriter_config.php :language: php :caption: EXT:my_extension/ext_localconf.php .. _logging-writers-examples: Examples ======== Working examples of the usage of different Log writers can be found in the extension :t3ext:`examples`.