.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: ! File; EXT:{extkey}/ext_conf_template.txt Extension development; Extension configuration .. _extension-options: =============================================== :file:`ext_conf_template.txt` =============================================== *-- optional* In the :file:`ext_conf_template.txt` file configuration options for an extension can be defined. They will be accessible in the TYPO3 backend from Settings module. .. _extension-options-syntax: Syntax ====== There's a specific syntax to declare these options properly, which is similar to the one used for TypoScript constants (see "Declaring constants for the Constant editor" in :ref:`Constants section in TypoScript Reference `. This syntax applies to the comment line that should be placed just before the constant. Consider the following example (taken from system extension "backend"): .. code-block:: typoscript # cat=Login; type=string; label=Logo: If set, this logo will be used instead of... loginLogo = First a category (cat) is defined ("Login"). Then a type is given ("string") and finally a label, which is itself split (on the colon ":") into a title and a description. The Label should actually be a localized string, like this: .. code-block:: typoscript # cat=Login; type=string; label=LLL:EXT:my_extension_key/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_be.xlf:loginLogo loginLogo = The above example will be rendered like this in the Settings module: .. figure:: /Images/ManualScreenshots/ExtensionArchitecture/ExtensionConfigurationOptions.png :alt: Configuration screen for the backend extension The configuration tab displays all options from a single category. A selector is available to switch between categories. Inside an option screen, options are grouped by subcategory. At the bottom of the screenshot, the label – split between header and description – is visible. Then comes the field itself, in this case an input, because the option's type is "string". .. _extension-options-available-option-types: Available option types ====================== ============= ========================== Option type Description ============= ========================== boolean checkbox color colorpicker int integer value int+ positive integer value integer integer value offset offset options option select small small text field string text field user user function wrap wrap field ============= ========================== Option select can be used as follows: .. code-block:: typoscript # cat=basic/enable/050; type=options[label1=value1,label2=value2,value3]; label=MyLabel myVariable = value1 "label1", "label2" and "label3" can be any text string. Any integer or string value can be used on the right side of the equation sign "=". Where user functions have to be written the following way: .. code-block:: typoscript # cat=basic/enable/050; type=user[Vendor\MyExtensionKey\ViewHelpers\MyConfigurationClass->render]; label=MyLabel myVariable = 1 .. _extension-options-accessing-saved-options: .. _extension-options-api: Accessing saved options ======================= When saved in the Settings module, the configuration will be kept in the :file:`config/system/settings.php` file and is available as array :php:`$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['my_extension_key']`. To retrieve the configuration use the API provided by the :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Configuration\ExtensionConfiguration` class via :ref:`constructor injection `: .. literalinclude:: _ExtConfTemplate/_MyClass.php :language: php :caption: EXT:my_extension/Classes/MyClass.php This will return the whole configuration as an array. To directly fetch specific values like :typoscript:`myVariable` from the example above: .. literalinclude:: _ExtConfTemplate/_MyClass2.php :language: php :caption: EXT:my_extension/Classes/MyClass.php .. _extension-options-nested-structure: Nested structure ================ You can also define nested options using the TypoScript notation: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:some_extension/ext_conf_template.txt directories { # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=Path to the temporary directory tmp = # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=Path to the cache directory cache = } This will result in a multidimensional array: .. code-block:: text :caption: Example output of method `ExtensionConfiguration->get()` $extensionConfiguration['directories']['tmp'] $extensionConfiguration['directories']['cache']