.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. index:: DataHandler; Record / commit route SimpleDataHandlerController .. _tce-db-api: .. _record-commit-route: ========================== The "/record/commit" route ========================== This route is a gateway for posting form data to the :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\SimpleDataHandlerController`. You can send data to this file either as GET or POST vars where POST takes precedence. The variable names you can use are: .. confval:: data :name: datahandler-commit-data :Data type: array Data array on the form `[tablename][uid][fieldname] = value`. Typically it comes from a POST form which submits a form field like :html:``. .. confval:: cmd :name: datahandler-commit-cmd :Data type: array Command array on the form `[tablename][uid][command] = value`. This array may get additional data set internally based on clipboard commands send in :confval:`datahandler-commit-cb` var! Typically this comes from GET vars passed to the script like `&cmd[tt_content][123][delete]=1` which will delete the content element with UID 123. .. confval:: cacheCmd :name: datahandler-commit-cacheCmd :Data type: string Cache command sent to :php:`DataHandler->clear_cacheCmd()`. .. confval:: redirect :name: datahandler-commit-redirect :Data type: string Redirect URL. The script will redirect to this location after performing operations (unless errors has occurred). .. confval:: flags :name: datahandler-commit-flags :Data type: array Accepts options to be set in DataHandler object. Currently, it supports "reverseOrder" (boolean). .. confval:: mirror :name: datahandler-commit-mirror :Data type: array Example: `[mirror][table][11] = '22,33'` will look for content in `[data][table][11]` and copy it to `[data][table][22]` and `[data][table][33]`. .. confval:: CB :name: datahandler-commit-cb :Data type: array Clipboard command array. May trigger changes in "cmd". .. confval:: vC :name: datahandler-commit-vc :Data type: string Verification code.